Hello again! Grace Adams here, Nearly Published Author of Elemental Dragons book one Fire’s Rising. I’m thrilled to be back as a guest blogger of the gracious Delilah Devlin.
Last time in my first ever guest blog post I offered a chance to win a copy of my debut paranormal romance to anyone who commented, so let me first offer congratulations to Debra Guyette. I’ll reach out and make sure I’ve got your details and you’ve got mine, and before Fall turns to Winter you’ll be my first ever honest-to-goodness reader-who’s-not-related-to-me. In the meantime, read on while I reveal Clan Drakon’s sigil as well as all four of the Elemental Dragon titles. And tell you how to enter to win a set of these dragon magnets (see below!).
I read contemporary romance, historical romance, and romantic suspense, but my favorite genre is paranormal romance. I think it’s because my first book love was science fiction/fantasy. When paranormal romance burst onto the scene, I had the best of both worlds. So the choice of what genre to write, when I finally decided to write, was a simple one. And so was the choice of what kind of paranormal creatures I’d write about. Because it was always going to be dragons.
Ah, dragons. I’ve wanted a dragon of my own ever since I picked up my first Anne McCaffrey Dragonriders of Pern book. How I devoured book after book about Pern and its dragons.
So all these years later I asked myself, what if dragons were real? All capable of flight and breathing fire, but each with a magical bond to one of the four elements: Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
And what if human beings could be dual-souled, sharing their minds and bodies with dragons who emerge from within their human half? Of course, the dragons would share their magic. These dragon shifters would be powerful beings when in dragon form and equally so when in human form, with their dragon’s shared magic affording the shifter an affinity over some aspect of their dragon’s element.
I imagined the dragon shifters of Clan Drakon have always walked among humanity, hidden for the Clan’s entire two-thousand-year history, yet emerging often enough to spawn fantastical myths and mysteries. Awakening awe. Fear. Even loathing. For perhaps the medieval Order of the Dragon — yes, there actually was a real medieval Order of the Dragon — was in fact formed by knights fanatically devoted to destroying all dragon shifters and obliterating their abomination from God’s sight…
Fire. Air. Water. Earth. Elemental. But with dragons!
Book one will be Fire’s Rising, about fire dragons Lili and Cole, meeting in the summer at the start of a year-long battle between Clan Drakon and the Order of the Dragon. The story continues into the fall with air dragon Nina and virologist Reuel in Wind’s Fury, shivers through winter with water dragon Sonnan and CDC doctor Adrian in Storm’s Warning, and races to its conclusion in the spring with earth dragon James and FBI agent Isabella in Earth’s Awakening.
In my slow-but-steady crawl toward publication, I come to you now with the reveal of the sigil for my clan of dragon shifters, Clan Drakon.
Thanks for reading! For a chance to win the set of magnets, tell me your favorite mythological creature in the comments. Have you always wanted to meet a mermaid at the shore? Fly with a griffon? Race through the woods with a fairy? What magical being has filled your dreams and flights of fantasy?

Grace Adams
About the Author
Grace Adams is a 2017 Golden Heart® finalist and award-winning author of paranormal romance who loves nothing more than a happy ending. Whatever the genre, regardless of the medium, as long as justice prevails, the good guys win, and people are falling in love, she’s in.
A lifelong reader of science fiction, fantasy, and of course romance, Grace also enjoys painting and drawing and is an avid skier. One of those rare Geeks who loves both Star Wars AND Star Trek, she’s got a closet full of costumes she created and firmly believes that she who dies with the most fabric (and books) (and shoes) wins.
Grace has a B.S. in Mathematics from Ursinus College and an M.A. in English from Wright State University. She is a veteran of the USAF as a communications officer and currently works as an IT Controls Analyst. She shares her home with the best super cats ever, Thor and Loki.