UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly Blank!
Sooooo, I already told you Cowboy‘s coming out tomorrow night at midnight. Yesterday, I uploaded the cover for the book that follows it, Eli. Have a look! Just thought I’d get that out of the way first before I start chatting.

I have a long To-Do list to conquer today. 23 items on it. Zero interest in accomplishing anything other than “feed the cats”. Yes, I put that on my list—otherwise, it might be forgotten. I’ve completed two books this month already, and I’m simply out of brain cells and “give a shit”.
Which is not a good thing, since I have three editing jobs to wrap up this week!!!!! Okay, I’m using all those exclamation points, hoping they would tell my mind to light a fire under my ass to get it all done. Whatever works, right? And I have yet to unpack from last week’s art festival. And my studio looks like a tornado rolled through it. And my floors could definitely use a vacuum. I have a stack of laundry that has risen well above the height of the laundry basket… I could go on. Every chore was set aside while I wrote the books.
So…for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, I’d love a funny or simple stern admonishment from you, telling me to get the lead out of my ass and get to work! Have fun!
Open Contests
- Diana Cosby: Inspiration From Nature – Fall! (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a signed book!
- Getting in the Halloween Spirit! (Puzzle-Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a FREE book!
- C. Marie Bowen: Unable to write! (GIVEAWAY) — EVERYONE gets a FREE book!
- Cowboy’s coming in 5 Days! (Contest & Excerpt) — Win a FREE book!
- Scary Halloween Puzzle & a Cowboy Reminder! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!