UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly Blank!
Sooooo, I already told you Cowboy‘s coming out tomorrow night at midnight. Yesterday, I uploaded the cover for the book that follows it, Eli. Have a look! Just thought I’d get that out of the way first before I start chatting.

I have a long To-Do list to conquer today. 23 items on it. Zero interest in accomplishing anything other than “feed the cats”. Yes, I put that on my list—otherwise, it might be forgotten. I’ve completed two books this month already, and I’m simply out of brain cells and “give a shit”.
Which is not a good thing, since I have three editing jobs to wrap up this week!!!!! Okay, I’m using all those exclamation points, hoping they would tell my mind to light a fire under my ass to get it all done. Whatever works, right? And I have yet to unpack from last week’s art festival. And my studio looks like a tornado rolled through it. And my floors could definitely use a vacuum. I have a stack of laundry that has risen well above the height of the laundry basket… I could go on. Every chore was set aside while I wrote the books.
So…for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, I’d love a funny or simple stern admonishment from you, telling me to get the lead out of my ass and get to work! Have fun!
Open Contests
- Diana Cosby: Inspiration From Nature – Fall! (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a signed book!
- Getting in the Halloween Spirit! (Puzzle-Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a FREE book!
- C. Marie Bowen: Unable to write! (GIVEAWAY) — EVERYONE gets a FREE book!
- Cowboy’s coming in 5 Days! (Contest & Excerpt) — Win a FREE book!
- Scary Halloween Puzzle & a Cowboy Reminder! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
I believe Eli is s quiet no nonsense guy
And his woman needs to be a smart
Sassy sexy red head to bring him
Out .
I love Arlene’s suggestion. Or Fig could be his love interest. Fig needs someone strong and silent.
This has become one of my favorites: If cauliflower can become pizza, you can do anything.
I’d suggest being gentle with youraelf. How aboit 30 minutes of something fun or relaxing, and 30 minutes of chores? I’m trying that myself today. Good luck!
*waves finger* * stern look* No treats for you unless you finish some things from your list! LOL! 😀
finish your chores, get some s’mores
Make it snappy and be happy
Just Breathe!!
Just think of the satisfaction when done!!
Just Breathe!!
Just do it!!!!! Get busy & you can do it!!! At least feed the cats….that is pretty important….😁
You guys are too nice! LOL. I even gave you permission to kick me in the ass.
The winner of the $5 gift card is…Beverly Blank!