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Archive for December, 2021
Wednesday, December 15th, 2021

 The latest thing to hit the reading world is Apps, where you can buy and read books in bite-size pieces. Twelve hundred to fifteen hundred words at a bite. And why is this good? Because if you are waiting in line for food, or riding in an Uber, or even on a bus, sometimes, a whole chapter is too much and you have to shut down before you finish. Bummer!
There are apps for all purposes: entertainment, research, education—all in bite-size chunks that make it quick and easy to absorb.
Also, you can quickly adjust the font and size of the book’s text which makes reading easier and more convenient. And when people can comfortably adjust these things, they end up reading more often, and therefore, read more books.
For those of us that have always associated reading with school and textbooks, reading books on tablets and our phones can actually be pretty fun nowadays. Perhaps it is still rather difficult to believe, but that’s the truth—your perception is playing tricks on you. While one of the greatest advantages of reading on a mobile device is the convenience of having a huge portable library, there are many more features that the reading app and its counterparts bring to the table that can make your reading experience fun.
Probably, the number one reason people love their reading apps is convenience. They are able to carry their entire library on one lightweight smartphone or tablet. This is especially appreciated by those who live in small spaces or who just don’t have room for one more bookcase and have a sky-high pile of books. How about travelers? A reading app saves on valuable suitcase space and is lightweight and easy to tote around. It also solves the problem that many readers run into. Have you ever chosen a selection of books to take with you on vacation only to find when you get there you’ve lost interest in all of them? With a reading app, you can simply choose another. Some will even let you download books from other sources.
Another is accessibility. If you have vision or hearing difficulties, the ability to change and increase the font size or have your book read to you can make reading a pleasure again. Book reading apps are accessible on almost any device, making them invaluable to those with other health problems that make reading hardcover books painful to impossible. While almost all book reading apps allow you to adjust the font, not all offer the text-to-speech function, and on those that do, not all books are text-to-speech enabled. Depending on the publisher, you will find that they may have chosen to refuse to allow their books to be enabled. Still, there are still a wide variety of book reading apps available to suit your personal needs.
And finally, book readings apps are inexpensive, if not already free for your device, with access to many e-books that are cheaper than their paper equivalents. In addition, there is a plethora of free books available. One of the real joys of using a book reading app is discovering new authors through these free book offerings. Using book reading apps is also a green practice, saving paper and as a result, trees.
I have jumped into it with both feet. Several of my books can be found on apps like Kiss, Webnovel, Magatoon, AnyStories, iReader, Kindle Vella, NovelCat, and others. This is a good and inexpensive way to try my books. Just click on the link below from my web page, go forth and search. Remember, just pennies can bring you hours of enjoyment.
About the Author
USA Today best-selling and award-winning author Desiree Holt writes everything from romantic suspense and paranormal to erotic. and has been referred to by USA Today as the Nora Roberts of erotic romance, and is a winner of the EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion, and a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice nominee. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The (London) Daily Mail, The New Delhi Times, and numerous other national and international publications.
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Tuesday, December 14th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Karla Campos!
First, solve the puzzle! Share your time, if you like. Then we can talk.
I have two, although neither is Christmas/holiday-themed. One features an astronaut sitting in space. The other features the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you have one, and if you do, what does yours feature?
Tagged: Christmas, game, holiday, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 21 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Alison Rush - ButtonsMom2003 - Rita - Karla Campos - pat -
Monday, December 13th, 2021
“Time is very precious to me…”
March 4, 1993, Jim Valvano at the ESPYS
We need more.
We want more.
There is never enough.
I’ve been a published author for six and a half years and have released twenty-nine books with four in the pipeline and five planned for 2022. I’m often asked how I produce so many books and manage all the work that goes into being a romance writer.
There isn’t a simple answer.
During the last six years, I was working full and then part-time. I run the house and always seem to be chasing a repair person because something has broken (Currently—my washer is giving error messages and not fully draining). I’m not the type that can lock myself in a room and work for eight hours straight, totally focused on what is in front of me. I must have a plan, and even more importantly, stick to it.
Here are five strategies that have helped me.
- Know how much time in a day is actually “yours.” For four days, keep a detailed list of what you do and how long it takes. Start subtracting from twenty-four. Sleep, tv time, morning coffee, social media, meals, errands, grooming (remember to shower). The remainder is “your” time. **Round up, everything takes longer in reality.
- Pay attention to how long tasks take from start to finish. For instance, a run to the bank. You should factor in changing clothes or showering, gathering the necessary papers, finding your keys, plus the trip itself, and then when you return, another change of clothes, putting receipts away. What you at first claimed was a twenty-minute task, now turns out to be sixty minutes.
- Learn how long it takes for you to get into your writing headspace. I am jealous of those who can write while waiting in the carpool line or while their husband is driving them somewhere. I don’t work that way. I have found I have a series of steps I follow before I can get to the words. It starts with dog out/dog in, laundry started, drink at the ready, and music or tv playing low in the background. I also check e-mails before I start in case something important has arrived. Then, I write. It takes me at least thirty minutes to settle in. When you do the math, I lose valuable time getting there, but once I’m ready, I’m working.
- I make To Do Lists that are feasible. I try to keep it to six items. I don’t want to self-sabotage by giving myself too much to do because I won’t get it all done.
- Prioritize what is important and what you need to accomplish today. What do you want to do? Social media is a time suck, not only producing posts but scrolling through everybody else’s. I know that TikTok is currently the hot trend. I found that I don’t believe I have enough to share to post often, and for a while, the stress of worrying about it caused me to lose valuable time.
Our lives are busy and constantly changing. Your scheduling will evolve as your life changes. You will learn how to trim minutes in certain areas, and maybe, add more in others. Remember, every day offers a new opportunity. Don’t give up!
Today, I’m offering a $20 Amazon Gift Card for a great time-management tip shared below.
About the Author
Melanie Jayne/M. Jayne spends her days on a grain farm in central Indiana with her long-suffering husband and mastiff, Duncan Keith. She writes Contemporary Seasoned Romance and has published several series. As M. Jayne she is the teller of tales of the Novus Pack. You can learn more about her work here:
For Novus Pack Fans- Trust Me comes out on January 25th. Learn more at https://www.readmelaniejayne.com/trust-me.html

Tagged: favorite quotes, Guest Blogger, shifter, time management, werewolf Posted in Contests!, General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Alison Rush - Jean White - Jodie Bivins - Beth - pat -
Sunday, December 12th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is Diane Sallens!
©Diana Cosby 2021

The holidays are a special time, and I enjoy seeing the festive colors echoed in nature.

The snowfall makes a beautiful backdrop for the cardinals as they move along the trees searching for berries.

Blue Jays visit the bird feeders often when it’s snowing.

The gorgeous sunrises during the holidays are like nature’s own celebration of lights.

Holly Berries provide a festive burst of color against the snow.

Liam MacGruder, his bird and animal friends that visit, and I wish you a wonderful holiday season!

***ONE winner will be drawn from everyone who posts on my guest blog post about, ‘Nature’s Beauty For The Holidays!’ on Delilah’s blog between 12 December 2021– 19 December 2021, and will win a tote bag.
About Diana Cosby

A retired Navy Chief, Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense. Books in her award-winning MacGruder Brothers series have been translated into five languages. Diana has spoken at the Library of Congress, Lady Jane’s Salon in NYC, and appeared in Woman’s Day, on USA Today’s romance blog, “Happy Ever After,” MSN.com, Atlantic County Women Magazine, and Texoma Living Magazine.
After her career in the Navy, Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. With 34 moves behind her, she was anxious to create characters who reflected the amazing cultures and people she’s met throughout the world. After the release of the bestselling MacGruder Brothers series and The Oath Trilogy, she released the bestselling The Forbidden Series.
Diana looks forward to the years of writing ahead and meeting the amazing people who will share this journey.
Diana Cosby, International Best-Selling Author
The Oath Trilogy
MacGruder Brother Series
The Forbidden Series
Social Media
Website: https://www.dianacosby.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/978803.Diana_Cosby
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Diana-Cosby/e/B003YJ1MR4/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1417447922&sr=8-1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Diana-Cosby-Romance-Author-150109024636/?ref=ts
Tagged: Guest Blogger, highlander, historical romance, medieval, photography Posted in Contests!, General | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Beverly Blank - bn100 - ButtonsMom2003 - Diana Cosby - Delilah -
Saturday, December 11th, 2021
We have two new SEALS in Paradise stories! The latest releases are by my friends, Parker Kinkade and Kris Michaels! All buy links are below!
Sinful Harvest

Cash “Inferno” Mancini is a take-charge, get-shit-done kind of guy. All he wants to do is help his family bring in the fall harvest, eat some holiday turkey, and then get his ass back to his SEAL team. If it weren’t for his unexpected roommate, he’d be halfway to done already. Cash had no doubt that Aspen Calloway was put on this earth just to annoy him. With her sweet smiles and cheery attitude. With her constant smiles and those pouty lips he’d like to…
Silent Knight

Author’s note: To this Christmas story I’ve also sprinkled two handfuls of Guardians and a dash of an assassin in a Christmas sweater! Come find some old friends and maybe a glimpse into next year’s first release in the Kings of Guardian Series!
Forced to take his ‘Use or Lose’ vacation days, Romeo Platoon Leader Ted (Bear) Black begrudgingly heads home to Hope City and all the nonsense surrounding Christmas. He’d rather stay in San Diego and spend his downtime working, especially when he’s unexpectantly reunited with the woman who was the star of the worst date he’d ever experienced.
Noel Laurent is heading home for Christmas. Her life in San Diego is lacking one thing. Snow! Christmas is the absolute most magical time of the year, and she can’t miss any of the wonderful traditions and events surrounding the season, even if she has to share her travels with the stoically silent Ted Black. Forced to spend time together, Noel is determined to infuse Christmas’s magic and wonder into her travel partner, despite his grumpy disposition. After all, miracles still happen, especially at Christmas!
More SEALS in Paradise Links

Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker by Cat Johnson
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089S5S3JL
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-heartbreaker/id1517407932
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-heartbreaker-cat-johnson/1137147753
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-heartbreaker
Hot SEAL, Charmed by Parker Kincade
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VWF7Q42
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-charmed/id1552125791
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-charmed-parker-kincade/1138748474
Hot SEAL, April’s Fool by Becca Jameson
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SBPCT8S
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-aprils-fool/id1548771062
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-aprils-fool-becca-jameson/1138617937
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-april-s-fool
Hot SEAL, In His Memory by Delilah Devlin
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08PVV1KGQ
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/au/book/hot-seal-in-his-memory/id1543653235
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-in-his-memory-delilah-devlin/1138430889
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-in-his-memory
Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad by MaryAnn Jordan
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SC2FR3H
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-a-forever-dad/id1547818382
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-a-forever-dad-maryann-jordan/1138579877
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-a-forever-dad
Hot SEAL, Independence Day by Elle James
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08PSSV2GQ
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-independence-day/id1543730914
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-independence-day-elle-james/1138431894
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-independence-day
Hot SEAL, Sweet & Spicy by Cynthia D’Alba
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VWJY1PV
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-sweet-and-spicy/id1552473846
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=2940162566328
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-sweet-and-spicy
Hot SEAL, Labor Day by Cynthia D’Alba
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VWXS6MQ
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-labor-day/id1552472938
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=2940162566311
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-labor-day
Hot SEAL, Midnight Magic by Teresa Reasor
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08TT4CQFR
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/ie/book/hot-seal-midnight-magic-seals-in-paradise/id1550611527
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-midnight-magic-teresa-j-reasor/1138684839
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-midnight-magic-seals-in-paradise
Hot SEAL, Sinful Harvest by Parker Kincade
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VWG2QL4
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-sinful-harvest/id1552135783
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-sinful-harvest-parker-kincade/1138748630
Hot SEAL, Silent Knight by Kris Michaels
Available now!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hot-SEAL-Silent-Knight-Crossover-ebook/dp/B08WKMJ7DZ
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hot-seal-silent-knight/id1553620361
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-seal-silent-knight-kris-michaels/1138824132
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-seal-silent-knight
Tagged: Christmas, contemporary romance, holiday romance, SEAL Posted in About books..., New Release | Comments Off on Hot SEAL, Sinful Harvest by Parker Kincade and Hot SEAL, Silent Knight by Kris Michaels **AVAILABLE NOW** | Link
Friday, December 10th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Donna Barker!
When I was a kid I used to watch an old game show called To Tell The Truth. The curtain came up on three contestants who would claim, “My name is …” The host Bud Collyer would read a mini-bio on the person then a panel of celebrities asked a series of questions to discern which of the contestants was telling the truth. At the end of the round, the panelists stated who their guess was. Collyer then turned to the contestants and asked, “Will the real… please stand up?” This old game show question came to me as I crafted today’s post about Stagecoach Mary Fields.
Mary Fields was a former slave who became the first African American woman to work for the postal service. She was awarded two Star Route mail contracts. These were contracts given to a private carrier to deliver mail for the post office in rural and sparsely populated areas. Despite her nickname, Mary carried the mail with a horse and wagon from 1885 to 1903. She is believed to have been born in 1832 which means she would have been fifty-three when her first contract was granted.

I first learned of Mary in William Loren Katz’s Black People Who Made the Old West. Born in slavery in Tennessee, she made her way West to Montana with her former master’s daughter who’d become an Ursuline nun. Mary worked in the school the Ursulines founded for Native American women. She was six feet tall, dressed, drank, cussed, and handled a gun like a man.
In a 1959 Ebony magazine article, actor Gary Cooper wrote this about her, “Born a slave somewhere in Tennessee, Mary lived to become one of the freest souls ever to draw a breath, or a .38.”
Episode five of the Weird Wonderful Women Youtube channel is dedicated to her. You can view it here: https://youtu.be/6-xFSexopwo. Another realistic depiction is shared in this stage presentation: https://youtu.be/khhIwpxrtFk.
Imagine my shock when I saw a picture of Zazie Beetz, the actress who portrayed Mary in the Netflix film The Harder They Fall. Check out this side-by-side comparison created for this op-ed in the Curvy Fashionista, https://thecurvyfashionista.com/stagecoach-mary-op-ed/, and you’ll understand why that old To Tell The Truth question, “Will the real Stagecoach Mary please stand up?,” came to be the title of my post.

But why should Hollywood’s depiction of Mary be any more realistic than those of other Western women? Does anyone believe Doris Day was chosen to play Calamity Jane because she resembled the real Martha Jane Cannary? Or Betty Hutton because she looked anything like Annie Oakley? Zazie Beetz and Stagecoach Mary are in good company. I’m just grateful Mary is being featured at all. Maybe it will send viewers to learn more about her so the real Stagecoach Mary can not only stand up but stand out.
So for a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, share in the comments about a woman whose story you wish Hollywood would tell.
“The Patience of Unanswered Prayer” by Michal Scott,
inside Cowboys

A feisty businesswoman about to become the next victim of Post-Civil War revenge receives rescue from an unexpected source…
Excerpt from “The Patience of Unanswered Prayer”…
The cock of a gun hammer turned them both in the same direction. Radcliffe aimed at her and fired. The shot burned its way into her shoulder, knocking her to the ground onto her back.
A second shot shattered the night silence. Through pain-drenched tears she saw Flyte whirl, stumble backwards and collapse with a splash into the creek.
Eleanor lay spent, her shoulder warmed by her blood, her chest no longer tight with fear. Above, the moon shone through a black canopy of leaves. The smell of creek water, crisp and clean, filled her lungs. She’d never imagined where she would die, but a place of beauty like this was as good as any.
Radcliffe’s grin loomed over her.
She stared into the barrel of his gun then closed her eyes as surrender seeped through her.
Father into thy hands I commit my spirit.
A peace descended upon her mind, the peace that passeth all understanding spoken of in the Bible. Although feeling peaceful at this moment made no sense.
Neither did the screaming, cursing and snarling that rent the air.
Buy link: Amazon – https://amzn.to/3iwUhkN
Michal Scott Amazon Author Page – https://amzn.to/2TSHzRn
Website – www.michalscott.webs.com
Tagged: African-American, excerpt, Guest Blogger, historical, Western Posted in Contests!, General | 25 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: bn100 - ButtonsMom2003 - Donna Barker - Alison Rush - Jean White -
Thursday, December 9th, 2021
I am tagging on to Delilah’s “St. Nick” post. If you haven’t read it, you can find it here. https://www.delilahdevlin.com/blog/2021/12/05/st-nicks-night/. She wrote on her family’s Christmas traditions. Let me tell you about mine.
I found it in the midst of utter chaos. I was chasing down the perfect gifts for loved ones, planning a party, and juggling visiting family with different schedules, dietary needs, and pets. Facebook was my escape from reality. It was my coping mechanism—don’t judge. There was a picture depicting Jolabokaflod. I looked at that photo of a blazing fire with an inviting chair under the snow-covered windows. A hot beverage next to a pile of books lay beside it. I was immediately transported to Iceland. The house was quiet; the fire crackled; all my friends were curled up with books. I wanted that. Okay, I lived on the gulf coast, so snow and a roaring fire were not realistic, but I could give books on Christmas Eve. Setting up little reading nooks and an array of warm beverages were possibilities as well. I was now on a mission to adopt Jolabokaflod. It helped me rediscover my love of the holidays. Gone were the worries of making everything perfect and attending every party. What fun I had shopping for the perfect stories for my house full of guests.
Jolabokaflod is the Icelandic tradition of giving books on Christmas Eve then going off to read them with a non-alcoholic hot drink. It started after World War II, when paper was not rationed, and booksellers were trying to hawk their wares. They published a list of books and mailed it to everyone in November encouraging the giving of books for Christmas.
At my house, the big night arrived—Christmas Eve. The weather was warm. I kicked on the air to frigid, so people could snuggle up with cozy blankets. I had chosen to keep my guests in the dark about the evening’s event, so their faces were filled with anticipation as I handed out the beautifully wrapped gifts. I even learned how to make fancy bows, which is a huge feat since I am the least crafty person on Earth. Thank you, YouTube. My drinks trolley overflowed with cider, teas, coffee, and hot chocolate. I explained the tradition. Then everyone took turns revealing their books. There were oohs and ahhs and a few puzzled hmms. Friends selected beverages and dispersed to find the perfect reading spots. It was amazing. We were alone but together, kind of like a silent book club. After a couple of hours, we gathered back for a late supper of roasted lamb and flatkaka to keep with the Icelandic theme. The conversation flowed and ranged. Huge success. It was all that I had hoped for and more. Jolabokaflod is now my annual Christmas Eve event. The participants and books change, but the feeling of discovery and friendship thrive from year to year. Give it a try.

If you are looking for a book gift, I highly recommend Passionate Ink’s Falling Hard anthology (which is currently FREE in KU!). It contains seven steamy stories to warm your cold December nights. Michal Scott writes of Eve trying to escape an unwanted marriage in 1898 in Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman. Ryley Banks’ hot ginger TJ comes face to face with his teenage crush, Harley. Who doesn’t love a hot ginger? Find out what happens in Hard Cider Crush. Calia Wilde’s Burned Bones doesn’t disappoint with demons, dragons, and scorching sex. Learning that there is life after tragedy is the story of Roger Callahan. Ryan T. Osborn’s Claiming Papa is a daddy story that stays with the reader. Jordyn Kross’ Open Enrollment has you rooting for Dr. Chandra Russell from the first paragraph. What a steamy alien love story that has you hoping for a sequel. “When it comes to love and death, time is just another four-letter word.” Deni Dawson has a way with words. In her Between Love and Death, you find yourself thinking about houses and ghosts in a new way. A Facebook (can you tell it’s my story?) reconnect of first love leads to more than chaste kissing in The Homecoming.
All proceeds for Falling Hard go to Proliteracy.org!!
Want a sexy variation on Jolabokaflod? Pick up an erotic novel from your favorite author, pour your favorite beverage for a special person(s) of your choice, and take turns reading passages out loud. You don’t even have to wait until Christmas Eve!
Do you have a book tradition that you would like to share? I am always looking for new ways to celebrate with books or just celebrate!
Thank you, Delilah, for letting me share my favorite holiday tradition with your readers. Happy Holidays and Reading.
To find out more about Candice LaBria, visit her website at www.CandiceLaBria.com or her socials at Bria_writes on Instagram and Twitter and Candice LaBria on Facebook.
Tagged: anthology, Christmas, erotic romance, holiday Posted in About books..., Free Read | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jordyn - Anna Taylor Sweringen - Candy LaBria - Alison Rush -