UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly Blank!
So, far there are six stories in my Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT, series. Eli releases sometime after midnight tonight! And there will be more stories. Gabe is already in the works, and you’ll see a short scene featuring my hero and heroine at the end of Eli. How many more stories depends on you! If you still love the hunters, I’ll write them! See below a little of the inspiration for my little town…

Amazon link to Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT
The next story, Gabriel, is already up for pre-order at Amazon…
I’ve had fun building this “world”—my little Montana town called Dead Horse, named after a dead horse that the town’s founders were left as a warning not to stay. That bit was a little autobiographical, because when I bought a house in a rural subdivision in Texas, the house had been empty and unsold for a while. When I walked through the house with the realtor, the next door neighbor tried to talk me out of buying it. I think he didn’t like the idea of having a neighbor next to him, so he invented some wild tales about the house and the property. When we were ready to move in, we had a little “gift” left on our walkway—a large, dead deer that someone had shot. The carcass was just left to rot and stink, and there was evidence it had been dragged there. So, there you go. Southern hospitality—or Texas hospitality. That neighbor poisoned a cat of mine, too…
In the Dead Horse series, there’s a story inside the story about how the town was named and how the hunters became a part of the town’s history. It all goes back to the first book, Cage. All along the way, I’ve introduced the characters who “people” the little town. My favorite is Nadine, the ornery waitress at the Dead Horse Walk-in Diner. (She has some funny scenes in Eli!). The town’s shops all feature that “dead” theme in their names. It’s fun and makes me smile whenever I play in Dead Horse, writing a new story.
I hope you’ve followed along, because I have more in store for Dead Horse—not just the hunters, but the townsfolk, too. I hope you’ll pick up your copy of my latest installment, Eli, or that you’re going back to pick up previous stories to catch up. I promise, they’re all fun, filled with action, sexy times, and people as real as I can write them.
I’ve run this contest before, and some of you have contributed place names!
I’ve named some of the businesses in the town: Dead Horse Walk-in Diner, Dead Easy Saloon, Dead Center Guns & Pawn, Dead Heat & Air, Dead as a Doornail Hardware (which is now closed, due to the arrest of its owner, so I suppose I need a new hardware store!), Dead End Cemetery, Deadly Delights (the bakery), Dead Horse Realty, Dem Bones Package Store, Ride or Die Body and Repair, Ride or Die Gas Station, and the Drop-Dead Gorgeous Salon. I added a street name in Eli—Casket Lane.
My challenge to you is to name a new business or street. We can have competing businesses, so you can name another hair salon or barbershop, or whatever. I’ve only named one street, so the sky’s the limit! Have fun!
Play for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Cremation Court
Hellhound Hardware
Brimstone Butcher, Bakery, Bookstore or Bar
Dead to Rights, Law Office
Boothill Cemetery, at the end of Death Knell Lane
Dead Ringer Photography Studio
Dead Weight Fitness Gymnasium
Death Cross Investment Co.
Dead Poets’ Reading Room
Raven Road
Nevermore Circle
Dead Duck
Being Asian i would say a restaurant but that might ding some folks’ sensitivity meters… so a street would work or a lake lol a place where they over hunted the watery fowl
Body Corporate Boarding House
Bag of Bones Butcher
Died in the Wool Haberdashery
Kick the Bucket Watering Hole
Bloody Cross B&B
Dead End Salon
Love Dead to Rights!!!
End of the Road Gas Stop
Grimm’s Beauty Barn
Deadhead Lane
Wrongway Street
Dead Eye Optometrist
Let’s Play Dead Community Theater, maybe on Grim Reaper Lane
You are all so creative!!! I’m going to use some of these!!! Don’t know which yet, but I printed the page. Thank you!
The winner of the gift card, chosen by a random number generator, is #8: Beverly Blank!