Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Dr. Tonya Nagle: A Plan for the Rest of February!
Thursday, February 17th, 2022

A plan for the rest of February? 

No worries! February has so much love to share all month long. From everyone paying attention to their hearts and getting check-ups to some social reminders to check in as we also celebrate Black History Month. 

If ever there was a month to take care of yourself and others, it is February. The post-January excitement is over and the reality that the new year is no longer exciting, it just is, begins to settle. If you are like me, you are also enduring some cold, winter weather. Brrrrr. This adds to the long list of things to do. 

So, it’s the 17th. I enjoy doing guided journals. I’m actually working on one for 2023. Here is a rough draft type sample. Maybe you can give me some feedback! If you love it, or hate it, or have suggestions, post here or send me a message. All my links are below. 

Grab a journal and let’s get started!

  • February 17th: Read this blog post and set up a plan based on the rest of the month’s suggestions.
  • February 18th-Feel good Friday!: The weekend may or may not signal some down time ahead for you. Today, take time to think of one thing that makes you feel great and take note of this day and every day after!
  • February 19th-Something new Saturday: Try something new today. I’m not saying you are going to like, it, but at least you can say you tried it. Never had kimchi before? Take a bite. Never watched a scary movie? Try one in the afternoon so you rom-com have plenty of time to watch a rom-com afterward! Lol. 
  • February 20th-Self Reflection Sunday: Since Sunday is usually the rest and prep day before the week launches again, take some time to rest and reflect. What went right this past week? What went wrong? Do you have 3 goals for next week? Write them down.
  • February 21st-Me, Me, Me Monday: That’s right! In the hustle and bustle of another manic Monday, look at your watch and give yourself 5-10 minutes to do something that is just about YOU. 
  • February 22nd-Tell Me About It Tuesday: Watched a movie, read a book? We always get so much negative stuff in our social media feeds, share something fun and recommend it to others. 
  • February 23rd-We, We, We, Wednesday: If Monday was all about you, Wednesday should be about someone else. Take time to make that call, send that email, or text and say hi to that person you’ve been meaning to connect with. It will probably make their day. 
  • February 24th-Think about it Thursday: If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? Write a little reflection and then let it be. You’ll come back to it later. 🙂
  • February 25th-Feeling This Friday: Touch is a sense we take for granted until we are tuned into something and purposefully pay attention. Take some time to touch something. 
  • February 26th-Selfish Saturday: Be selfish today, take 30 minutes to read, relax, something just for you! 
  • February 27th-Sunday Funday: Take some time to reflect on your past week, but also have some fun. Go back to that journal entry on what kind of animal you would be. Find any insight there? If not, look up the animal and see what traits you are proud of or are seeking to bring into your life.
  • February 28th-Monday Meanings: You did it. If you journaled every day and worked on these, then hopefully, it has brought you to a new habit that you can use to track your personal adventures. It may seem silly or frivolous but taking 5-30 minutes of your day for your own well-being is never selfish. People can’t draw water from an empty well, so you help no one if you don’t refill that source within you.

If you are interested in contemporary, sports romance, reverse harem style, you may want to consider joining my Patreon team. Even the $1 tier has access to the story I am writing in there before publishing it anywhere else.

Join me at Swift University where a good girl has decided to go very, very bad. Readers get to weigh in on the character development, naming rights, and of course my patrons are thanked in the acknowledgements of the book. 

Here’s a look at the first cover. 

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Right now March is a Patreon exclusive! Read it before everyone else does by joining the team. 

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One comment to “Dr. Tonya Nagle: A Plan for the Rest of February!”

  1. Delilah
    · February 27th, 2022 at 10:21 am · Link

    Tonya/Cara, thanks for sharing your plan! As a fellow planner, there’s lots of inspiration in there!

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