I’m one of the volunteer staff and an attending author for LLS. This is an annual event that takes place on the waterfront of downtown Savannah, GA. The reader & author convention usually happens in either July or August. This year, it is happening from July 20th-24th.
Something to know about reader conventions versus a book signing:
A convention is a multi-day event with activities, panels, outings, and more.
A signing is a one-day event with one or many authors for a designated time to sell and sign books.
Every event is different, so please do not make assumptions about this one based on other events, or about others based on this one.
Here, I am giving some answers to the FAQs for LLS and I hope to see you there!
What do I get with the $200 registration?
Actually, the registration only covers the cost of the three meals provided at the event. Authors, Industry, and vendors sponsor the welcome bags, the badges, the snacks, the games, any SWAG at panels, and everything else.
Why do I have to stay at the hotel?
Hotel space is very expensive. To have enough space to provide a variety of activities, we have to hit a certain number of rooms per night. Staying at the hotel ensures we get the convention space to do all the things. Without the rooms, we would have to charge enough to cover the cost of that space for the 3 days of the event. Bring a roommate to cover half the cost and enjoy the waterfront!
On a side note, the event is action packed with things to do. Many authors and attendees who live in the area say they are glad they are at the hotel because they would be exhausted trying to get home and back.
Where does all the money go?
All of the money for registration goes to the hotel for the meals. The staff, even the coordinator, are all volunteers. We only earn money on what we sell at the book signing on Saturday.
The staff for this event pay the same registration as the authors (if authors) and readers (if industry or vendor) because it covers the cost of the meals. Author registration also covers the cost of the signing table. All authors and staff also have to stay at the hotel.
What about the charity baskets?
Yes, we do have baskets that are donated by authors and readers and the money from that event goes straight to the Jasper County Rescue Mission, an animal charity the event coordinator volunteers at.
What can I expect as a reader?
The welcome event has a welcome bag where authors from all over send books and promotional goodies just for you!
Every meal table is dressed by an attending author so you will get the items they provide as promotion and fun at that meal.
You will meet a lot of indie authors ready to connect with you beyond the books. I love this event and attend every year because the readers and other authors are not just people at an event, they are my convention family.
What if no one wants to come to the event with me?
Totally fine to come alone. The quiet and shy will find kindreds here.
What genres are sold?
The authors write in a variety of genres but the primary one is romance. All subgenres of romance are at this event and even some subgenres of subgenres!
Who is attending?
The list of authors for this year is posted on the Facebook page.
How do I register?
Here is the link to the Eventbrite Tickets. They are non-refundable, so be sure you check it out and ask any questions before making your purchase. You will buy the reader ticket. You will see other tickets on there. Remember, I said all the money goes straight to the hotel? So authors pay their sponsorships. You do not have to buy a ticket to those events (like the hot cocoa bar). It is included in the cost of your reader ticket.
I’m an author, I want to go, what do I do?
Author registration is closed for 2022. As you can imagine it takes a lot of planning to pull this off on volunteer hours and author-driven efforts. I encourage you to come as a reader, especially in your first year. Why? 1. You get a feel for the event from that perspective. 2. You can plan what you will do for your tables next year, decide what things you might sponsor (karaoke, snacks, etc.), and network with readers so they know who you are when you come back toting books in 2023. 3. Because you will also have a blast and if you come as an author the next year, it will be fun, but not like the readers. Not relaxing where everyone is trying to make it a great time for you. You will be on a team making it a great time for readers. It is a LOT of work. In addition, you can still put stuff in the welcome bags. You just can’t have a seat at the book signing on Saturday.
I’m an author, can I send promotion stuff?
Yes! We love to fill those welcome bags with goodies from attending and non-attending authors. Readers love SWAG. We only ask that you not send just paper unless it is for a freebie with a qr code. Readers will trash paper and we don’t want you wasting that money. Pens, pencils, clips, buttons, and all the rest are welcome. Contact the event page on Facebook for mailing address. You can also send print books that will be placed on the welcome tables. We ask a minimum qty of 10, but if you just re-covered a collection and have books with the old covers on them to use as promotion items, send them.
This is a little bit about Literary Love Savannah. There are so many great events out there for readers to attend. Check in with your favorite authors and see where they are going to be. Remember that a convention is not the same as a book signing. A signing takes place on a set date for a set time. A convention is a multi-day event with a book signing attached to it.
If you are looking for something to do this summer, love Savannah, love books, want to hang out with some authors and readers, well, we hope to see you there! Link to the event:Â https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lls-2022-book-life-tickets-169991054821?fbclid=IwAR1LfC_PDGx7l0M-mQQEqgOZ0zCjdoKuR65_uRFmuvrbhp7oxJgZeLwV7KY
Link to the General Info Facebook Group:Â https://www.facebook.com/groups/lls2022booklifecon
Link to the Facebook Page:Â https://www.facebook.com/literarylovesavannah