UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!
January’s success has me feeling like everything I’ve accomplished after that has been less than stellar progress! March continues that sentiment—and I need to get rid of that mindset! I did accomplish some big stuff in March. Maybe not as much as I’d wanted to, and my plans were tweaked along the way based on my level of accomplishment, but I still moved forward!
Anyway, here’s what I did accomplish on my goal list…
- I wrote and published my next Texas Vampires novella, No Tender Mercy.
- I completed 4 editing projects for other authors in March, including one long novel!
- I only wrote a couple of chapters of my next book—but hey, I started, so that’s a win, too!
- I’m continuing with Weight Watchers and can proudly say that I’ve lost 23 pounds as of today! I’m not pushing to lose fast because I like how I feel (which is a good thing because I only lost 4.6 pounds this month!). I’ll continue my daily mantra: Slow is good!
- I did not keep up with my step count. While I’m feeling better and spryer every day now that I’ve dropped so many pounds, I haven’t upped my physical activity.
- I’m continuing to work on the #100DayProject art challenge! It’s still HARD fitting in play time, and I’ve fallen behind the daily goal, but here are a few samples of what I’ve done so far…

Here’s me putting this out in the world…
For work-related, I plan:
- To complete revising and publish the sequel to Dark Legacy… Dark Seduction! (Have you pre-ordered your copy?!)
- To get finish writing my next romantic suspense story.
- To begin work on my next Hot SEAL book!
- To complete 5 editing projects in April!
For health-related, I plan:
- To continue with Weight Watchers and hope to lose at least 5 pounds, remembering: Slow is good!
- To begin some low-impact aerobics, which will include a video workout, plus, add some outdoor activities, like pool maintenance and blowing the patio—counting the things I should already be doing to get ready for pool season. Maybe I’ll do more housework, too. Blech.
For happiness-related, I plan:Â
- To continue working on getting my art room better organized, because I plan…
- To produce something art-related every day this month for the #100DayProject art challenge—and hopefully catch up!
I posted this same challenge at the end of last month! I’d love to see if Spring is changing things up for you! Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier. Tell me what you plan to read… Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Open Contests
- Honest Answers Only! (Poll & Contest–or Poll about Contests?) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Important Question!! (Puzzle-Contest, and Open Contests) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Happy Sunday, or maybe not… (Contest–2 Winners) — Win a FREE book! 2 Winners!
- Jordyn Kross: Traveling with the Insane Pound Posse (FREE Read) — Everyone: pick up a copy of a FREE read!
- Have you pre-ordered your copy of DARK SEDUCTION? (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!