UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C.!
We had a 7-hour power outage yesterday due to heavy thunderstorms. It started in the morning and lasted well into the afternoon. We pulled the generator out of the shed to power the refrigerator and make cups of coffee (priorities!). Working by candlelight in my basement office was impossible. It’s a daylight basement. From the front of the house, you think it’s a one-story home. From the back, you see two stories. Well, my office is tucked into the way back of the basement and has no windows. I call it my “mole hole” and that lack of windows is perfect for a writer with W.A.D.D. (writer’s ADD).
However, my basement craft room has windows, so that’s where I settled. The light that reached my worktable was dim, but I had to do something. I’ll be cutting out the watercolor flowers for collaging so the ugly marks around them don’t matter (I didn’t like looking at all the white space!). The ink drawing was kind of fun. I used the dropper on my ink bottle to draw it. I’m going to practice with it more. So, not a wasted day. I learned something.

Puzzle Contest
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what you want to read right now! (My picture clues you into the genre of book I wish I had right now!)
Open Contests
May into June (“Me in My Mind” Puzzle-Contest — andMore Contests!)— This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!Diana Cosby: For the Love of Nature! (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win a signed book!Hump-Day Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!Cara North: 10 Free Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors (Contest) — Win a Kindle Fire!
There are so many books to read that sometimes it is so hard to choose. But Lexi Blake released a new one this week, Delighted that I am itching to read. I think I will go read now.
I have been reading Single Dad stories lately…
Ive been in a mood to read Dystopian Romance or Monster Romance, more specifically my ARC of Little Wings of Fate by Clio Evans
I am about to read Mansplaining which I’m pretty excited about. I’ve been reading quite a bit of former military turned security service lately.
5:45 – that took me ages.
I’m reading a lot of thrillers.
I’m reading a contemporary small town romance series – next will probably be something historical – I tend to alternate genres.
I am thinking some steampunk for a change.
4:21 I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks. I devoured Macy Blake’s The Chosen One series. Fantastic!
Thanks for sharing what you want to read right now!
The winner of the Amazon gift card (chosen by a random number generator) is…#2 — Colleen C.!