UPDATE: The winners are…Debby and Laura!
I love doing flashback highlights! It’s not only a reminder to you but also to me of the many stories I’ve written. Did you know before I wrote bounty hunters that I had this entire series of SEAL-hero stories? Read an excerpt from the second “Uncharted” book!
Enjoy! ~DD

Click on the covers to learn more about these stories!
Win your choice of one of my Uncharted SEALs stories! There will be 2 winners! All you have to do to enter is answer me this…
What author’s older series have your recently discovered and devoured? Spread some love!
Her Next Breath
Ex-SEAL Jackson Keller’s first mission with the Charter Group’s spec ops unit is a bust. Instead of capturing a drug lord in his Mexican compound, he finds a beautiful, naked woman. But she may have information they need to nail the narco-terrorist, so he takes her, sealing his fate. She’s his to watch, his to “manage” until the op’s done.
Suri McAnally’s made some mistakes—mainly trusting her college roomie who just so happens to be the son of one of Mexico’s most dangerous drug lords. If Jackson can save her, she’ll do whatever he says, mirror his moves, and try to keep her insta-lust under control. Her next breath depends on it.
Excerpt from Her Next Breath…
When Suri awoke, it was to discover she was resting inside the curve of Jackson’s arm, her thigh draped over his, her head on his chest. She didn’t know who’d moved the blanket. Maybe they’d both naturally gravitated together. She hated to think she might have been the one to cross the line demarking their personal space.
Partly because she didn’t want to wake him, and partly because it was a new experience lying inside a man’s embrace, she held her breath and remained perfectly still. She breathed in his scent, which was a sagey musk combined with the remaining odor of the paint he’d worn on his face. His skin was smooth, warm, tanned and cloaked a hard, very muscular frame. Her fingertips tingled, and she very nearly gave into the temptation to run one tip over his hard abs. Instead, she curled her hand into a fist.
Last night when she’d seen him fully for the first time—without the paint, his body nearly nude—she’d felt her knees wobble. He was devastatingly handsome, not in a pretty-boy way. He was too manly, too large, all hard angles and lovely bulges, with short, nearly dark-brown hair and those cloudy gray eyes. Even the stubble on his chin made her thighs clench.
Suri hoped she didn’t sleep beside him for many more nights or she’d grow accustomed to his physique. Any man she met after this little adventure would pale in comparison.
Her glance traveled downward to the sheet barely covering his hips. Maybe it was the fold of the sheets, but the fabric was tented.
“Playing possum?”
She raised her head and met his gaze, blushing because she’d been caught staring at his sex.
“Didn’t want to disturb you.”
“You’re breathing, aren’t you?” he muttered in a graveled tone.
She frowned, not understanding, and then pushed away from his body although she instantly regretted the loss of his warmth. When she’d first awoken, she’d felt sheltered, safe—and not just from Diego and his henchmen. She’d felt…cherished.
Ridiculous, she knew. And slightly pathetic. Was she really so needy for human connection that she was romanticizing over Jackson?
But in the morning light, his face wasn’t quite so hard-bitten. Scruffy, dark bristles covered his chin and jaw; his gaze rested on her rather than spearing her.
His glance cut away, and he looked at his watch. “Chow’s nearly over. We should dress.”
“I’m starved.”
The corners of his mouth twitched.
His first smile?
And then his features grew remote again, his mouth firmed. “Get dressed. I need to check in with Teague.”
Aware his gaze followed her still, she rose and stretched her arms high, and then headed to her pillow case.
“You do that on purpose, don’t you?”
She aimed a grin over her shoulder. “Why, whatever do you mean?”
His gaze narrowed, but a one-sided smile curved.
Feeling as though she’d accomplished something noteworthy, she entered the bathroom, closing the door against the temptation that was Jackson Keller.
Kat Martin’s historical novels are amazing
I have been so busy lately that I have been focused on new releases only. I have a couple of series on my wishlist but I know not to start right now because I’ll want to read straight through till I’m caught up.
Cami’s Billionaire Bride Pact Romances by Cami Checkett
What a fun question. I just devoured the audible version of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. But that is not a new find for me. I listen to the every couple of years, partly because I enjoy the stories, but also because I love listening to James Marsters narrate the stories. But, to answer you question, before that I rediscovered Belinda McBride and found I hadn’t read her Devil’s Advocate series yet. I have now. It was fun.
I have always hoped this series would be put in paperback. The only one that is is Big Sky Wedding which I own.
I have been devouring Sandy Sullivan’s Cowboy Dreamin’ series. I have already devoured her Montana Cowboy series. I also devoured all the MC series that Esther E Schmidt has written. I have also devoured 2 series by Ann B. Harrison, the Hansen Brothers and Watson Brothers series. Also Linda Broday’s series called the Outlaw Mail Order Brides. I still have to finish Joan Johnston Mail Order Bride series.
I have been re-reading Sharon Sala’s Secrets and Lies series. Am on book two.
can’t think of any
Elizabeth Boyle. I go through historical phases and re-read these recently after years
I recently listened to all of the audiobooks in Caroline Lee’s Hot For Scots series. They are hilarious and the narrator is great.
Lorraine Heath’s Rogues in Texas
Thanks for playing ladies!
The winners of their choice of one of the books in my Uncharted SEALs series are… Debby and Laura!
Ladies, congrats! And send the title you’d like to have to me at delilah@delilahdevlin.com!