Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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*whine-whine-whine* (FREE Story)
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023

I think every day until my splint comes off, I’m going to gripe. Today, I have a bumpy rash between my fingers. After I shower, I’m going to leave off the splint and let my hand dry with some anti-yeast cream to see if that helps. My fingers being forced together all day is likely making it humid there. *whine-whine-whine*

I pushed around a vacuum cleaner with my hip and left hand yesterday. Tried to dust, but it took too long, so I decided I’d live with the dust until I can bribe a grandkid to do it for me. I directed the cleaning of Loki’s fish tank, but my daughter was horrified by the smell of fishy water and the poop. Again, I’ll bribe another kid to help with that, too. *whine-whine-whine*

I wish I’d broken my left hand because I can’t write with my left, so I’m abandoning my planner for the time being. *whine-whine-whine*

Tonight, after I do some real work today (editing), I’ll clear my desktop which has been a gathering place for coffee mugs and mail I can’t open without ripping it to shreds. All my scissors are naturally right-handed. I’ll give the 9-year-old my letter opener and have her go to town opening all my mail and laying it on my newly cleared desktop. *whine-whine-whine*

EVERYTHING IS A FUCKING PROCESS THAT HAS TO BE PLANNED. I’ll shower today and maybe forgo underwear to make my life a little easier. Wish I had a muumuu to throw over my head so I wouldn’t have to deal with pulling up my pants. *whine-whine-whine*

You folks have been wonderfully patient reading through my whine-fest. Here’s your reward:

The Runaway Bride

Download now!

7 comments to “*whine-whine-whine* (FREE Story)”

  1. Laura
    · February 15th, 2023 at 10:26 am · Link

    I feel you Delilah. I broke my fingers as a kid and the put a cast on my whole had. It looked like I had a bowling ball covering my hand. I am not a lefty so everything I did took that much longer.

    What about a night gown and housecoat. Or a house dress

  2. Delilah
    · February 15th, 2023 at 10:48 am · Link

    Laura, thank you for the link! I ordered two straight away!

  3. Laura
    · February 15th, 2023 at 11:00 am · Link

    Awesome. I’m glad I could help.

  4. Colleen C.
    · February 15th, 2023 at 1:02 pm · Link

    Once I jammed my fingers badly and had to wear frog splints. It was just before school started and I had to learn to write with my left hand for a while. My work looked like a kindergartner wrote it.
    I hope you heal well and soon!

  5. Ani
    · February 15th, 2023 at 1:49 pm · Link

    Stop dusting Hire a cleaning crew for 1 week

  6. Jennifer Beyer
    · February 15th, 2023 at 1:54 pm · Link

    We all understand your need to whine! It stinks when you have to upend your whole plan over something like this. You’ll be all better soon.

  7. ButtonsMom2003
    · February 18th, 2023 at 12:15 am · Link

    Being incapacitated in any way is no fun. I think you deserve to whine a bit and what better place to do it than here in your own safe space.

    The free story brings back memories…I did a beta read of it for you back in 2015!

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