UPDATE: The winner is…ButtonsMom2003!
I haven’t done a recap in a while, and I think I need to reinstitute the habit! It keeps me honest about what I’ve accomplished, and if you’re paying attention, it gives you something to nag me about!
I began the month working on my next Montana Bounty Hunter story, Mica, but halted work abruptly due to an injury I’ll talk about below.
- I did complete editing all the Silver Soldiers stories, and my sister and I worked on a cover for Silver Soldiers! Plus, it’s up for pre-order!
- I completed only 2 editing projects for other authors in January. Again, the injury severely impacted my ability to place my hands on my keyboard.
- On February 10th, I fell down the basement stairs and broke a bone in my right hand. I spent the rest of the month wearing a splint (thank goodness the doctor gave me the option of a splint rather than a hard cast!). After that, I had limited use of my hand. I could edit, but writing wasn’t an option. I was just too slow.
- After the fall, I also experienced more issues with my blood pressure. It’s been spiking horribly. To the point, I have to keep Clonidine in my medicine cabinet when it does get above a certain level. I was also given a higher dose of my hypertension medicine. Since then, I’ve gone back on Weight Watchers and cut salt dramatically. So far, I’ve lost 5 pounds, and I’m beginning to see my BP come down. Not enough, but it isn’t scaring me now!
- As for physical activity, I’m not doing enough. I’m feeling tired all the time. Which I know has to do with my weight, meds, a little depression due to my hand injury. I’m trying not to nap during the day, and that need has waned.
- I haven’t been to local art guild or humanities council meetings. So, no mingling with real people. I use the excuse that I can’t do my hair right, or I’m grumpy because of my splint, or that work takes me longer to accomplish each day because I’m in splint. All excuses.
- I did decide to participate in the #the100dayproject art online art challenge despite my injury. Art has been the only highlight of the month. Here are a few of my February pieces…

For work-related, I plan:
- To complete Mica! It will release March 28th come hell or high water!
- To complete a short story for the Silver Soldiers anthology. And to prod my sister into finishing hers!
- To complete 3 editing projects in March!
For health related, I plan:
- To keep counting those points for my Weight Watchers diet (I hate that word) and hopefully shed at least another 5 pounds, remembering, as always: Slow is good!
- To continue to reduce salt, processed food, and incorporate foods good for blood pressure (spinach, broccoli, bananas, red wine).
- To get the pool cleaned up so that the minute the water is warm enough, I’ll be swimming (hopefully by mid-April).
- To begin walking and counting my steps.
- I’ll re-dedicate myself to doing more housework, too, because my art room is a disaster. And cleaning is exercise, right?
For happiness-related, I plan:Â
- To continue producing some small piece of art every day as part of #the100dayproject.
- Try to complete one of the many already paid-for online art classes I’ve lined up to do.
- To blog about art (on my Emerald Casket site) just to keep myself honest!
- To work toward re-opening my Etsy store!
Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier. Tell me what you plan to read…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
I hope your hand is healing quickly for you. It’s tough having that splint on & trying to do things. I gave up using salt so long ago..not because of my own blood pressure problems, but my daughter’s. I figured I’d add my support to her. Except the only person who stuck to the no salt was me. I’m sure there’s salt in some of the foods I put on the table…but I don’t use any extra. And when cooking, I don’t use much, if any, because I know that those eating are going to add some…so it’s my way of maybe cutting back for them too. I can’t wait to read this new Boys Behaving Badly Anthology & I always look forward to more Bounty Hunters, though I’ve got a little catching up to do with those.
Ooh I love that black and gray flower piece you made!
Wishing you the very best this March!
Glad you are healing. I broke my right wrist and I am right handed. Learning to compensate with the left was not easy. Luckily it was a clean break and I had a support cast and not plaster. My plans? After working over 50 years (the last job was 26 years), I was laid off. I plan to enjoy life. I have tons of house work to do since that was not high on my priority list after my mom died. My daily commute was lengthy, so I was caught up, but never able to get ahead. I want to get back to working on my 4th book in my Synlab series, Let Sleeping Spirits Lie. I paid for a portrait drawing class online I want to start. I want to learn to watercolor. As for reading, I need to finish reading The Cabinet of Dr Leng to my blind sister, followed by Diablo Mesa also reading it to her.
I can’t wait to read Mica. If I have to wait longer then so be it. Your health is more important. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Good luck with all you have going on. I agree that slow is good for weight loss. I have been transitioning from processed foods to eating mostly fresh, whole foods instead. It’s hard but it’s worth it.
I try to be very careful on the stairs to my basement (where my washer dryer is & lots of stuff I’m trying to clear out).
Do you use or have considered an Apple Watch to keep track of your blood pressure – I think they can track BP.
I hope to get rid of the boot I’ve been wearing on my right foot after I see the doctor next Tuesday. Reading makes me happy so I don’t plan to ever stop!
nice art
I like your art work. I’m trying to eat more healthy and trying to stay away from the process food more for my husband then for myself. He is diabetic and has high blood pressure. It’s not been easy but slowly we are making the changes in our eating habits. I need to finish two stories I’m in the middle of and then I need to see what is next on mu tbr pile.
Thanks for the well wishes and the kind words about my artwork!
The winner of the GC is…ButtonsMom2003!