Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Gabbi Grey: Why I chose to write my first Sapphic Romance (Contest)
Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Stephanie!

Confession time – this isn’t my first lesbian romance.  I wrote a sweet short story for a charity anthology to benefit victims of the Australian Wildfires back in February 2020.  My little story gave me two characters I gave cameos to in a subsequent book.

Okay, now I have that off my chest.

I love my publisher.  They come up with great ideas and I’m happy to run with them.  For Passport to Romance, I wrote a gay novella Valentino in Vancouver set in – big surprise – Vancouver.  Under another penname, I wrote Bonding in Buenos Aires. One guess where I set that novella.  For their One Scoop or Two series, I wrote Catch a Tiger by the Tail which doesn’t sound much like an ice cream story until you realize tiger tail ice cream is a thing (orange cream mixed with ribbons of black licorice and, OMG, so so so good).

Last year, they asked for jelly bean stories.  Jelly Beans and Spring Things was the proposed theme.

At first, I didn’t think I had anything to contribute.  I’d just written Valentino and was preparing to write Buenos Aires.  And I had a third book, under another penname, that was on deadline.  Oh, and my contribution to the HEA Collective needed to be written.  I didn’t have time for a jelly bean book!

Except…yeah.  I remembered a character I’d created in Valentino – actress Elouise Hynes.  Elouise, like the character Seamus, is from Newfoundland.  But while Seamus still has a trace of an accent, Elouise went to Hollywood and tried to ditch the accent entirely.  She hasn’t turned her back on her roots – but she’s embraced the SoCal lifestyle.

Until a broken relationship sends her scrambling back to Canada, Vancouver in particular, to nab the lead role in a thriller.  By now, she’s out of the closet and has sworn off love after the disastrous dissolution of her engagement.  Then she meets bold and brash makeup artist Kelci, and her world turns upside down. Toss in characters previously introduced in Tiger and Valentino to bring readers along for the journey. Then, finally, throw in some April showers, jelly beans, and I had my story.

I tried to write a sweet story.  My editor gently told me I’d missed the mark by a mile.  She suggested I add a few swear words (which are normally in my stories) and add a sex scene (which fit beautifully in the story and the reader would never know it hadn’t always been there).  I call the story my spicy lesbian novella.  The book isn’t as spicy as some other things I’ve written, but there’s plenty of sexual tension and also plenty of love.  So the typical Gabbi Grey novella with the perfect HEA.

Thank you, Delilah, for hosting me today so I can talk about my beloved venture into Sapphic romance.  I’d love to offer a $5 Amazon GC to one of your faithful readers.  Let me know – how much does the cover influence your decision to try a book?  I love my cover of You See Me. I think my designer nailed Elouise perfect with the right amount of sexiness while showing that hint of vulnerability.  One random commenter will win the GC.  Thanks!

You See Me

Being dumped might lead to a forever love.


After a public break-up with my fiancée, I’ve retrenched in Vancouver, British Columbia to lick my wounds and star in a movie. I’m acting as if everything is okay, but then I meet a woman who sees the real me. Dare I take a chance to find real love?


I’ve admired Elouise Hynes from afar for years. She’s recently come out of the closet and was dumped just a short time later. I want to offer comfort, but I’m a make-up artist on her movie crew. Can we really form a lasting bond when she lives in LA and I’m staying in Canada?

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About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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9 comments to “Gabbi Grey: Why I chose to write my first Sapphic Romance (Contest)”

  1. Stephanie
    · April 26th, 2023 at 9:30 am · Link

    The covers are usually a factor but I’ve read books that were great and the covers were just okay. So I try not to judge a book by its cover. Lol

  2. miki
    · April 26th, 2023 at 11:12 am · Link

    the covers are not the main factor in my decision because it does not reflect the quality of the writing or the story (sometimes authors don’t get the choice of the cover after all) so it’s mainly the blurb that will decide me then if must choose teh same book in two different edition then the cover will help me decide which edition.

  3. flchen
    · April 26th, 2023 at 2:43 pm · Link

    That IS a beautiful cover, Gabbi, but honestly, the cover is secondary to the author and blurb for me. Sometimes if it’s an author I don’t know, the cover might get me to take a quick second look and investigate, but then the blurb/excerpt need to grab me. Intrigued by your venture into sapphic romance! I’ve really enjoyed your m/m!

  4. Colleen C.
    · April 26th, 2023 at 4:49 pm · Link

    I have had covers turn my attention away from the book… but the blurb is a bigger influence.

  5. Mary Preston
    · April 26th, 2023 at 7:34 pm · Link

    The cover helps, but it’s the author and genre that seal the deal. Tiger tail icecream sounds yum.

  6. Eileen Airey
    · April 26th, 2023 at 7:45 pm · Link

    Covers do not come into my decision making. It is the blurb that does it for me. I like your cover.

  7. BN
    · April 26th, 2023 at 9:53 pm · Link

    a lot

  8. Jennifer Beyer
    · April 27th, 2023 at 6:24 pm · Link

    I don’t buy based on cover alone but I do love a great cover. And when a cover is perfect for the book AND stunning, well let’s just say it’s better than just about anything.

  9. Delilah
    · May 6th, 2023 at 9:35 pm · Link

    Thanks to Gabbi G. for a great post!

    The winner is…Stephanie!

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