UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly!
Here’s my end-of-month reckoning. It keeps me honest about my accomplishments and tells you what I should be working on (to shame me into doing the work)!

- I completed my short story for Silver Soldiers and finished editing the entire book. It was published on May 9th!
- I, along with the other Silver Soldiers authors, finished posting “Getting to Know” blogs on the Collections website to get readers ready for the release of the book. Then we posted fun “In One Picture” posts to celebrate and “hook” readers to get their copies of the book that released on May 9th!
- I finished writing Cold Hard Cash and published it on May 23rd! Woot!
- I completed only 3 editing projects for other authors in May.
- I blew the diet—all month long. May was about LaLa’s graduation, and we had small celebrations, visitors from out of town, etc. I am afraid to step on the scale!
- The pool finally got just warm enough that I began swimming a week ago. What are few goosebumps when you can do your favorite exercise activity?!
- Again, the month was about LaLa’s graduation, which occurred on the 20th. After that, it was about the other kid’s award ceremonies, etc.
- I am still participating in the #the100dayproject online art challenge. As of today, I’m on Day 96. Here are a few of my May pieces…
- To revise and publish a story I published through Harlequin many moons ago…Warrior’s Touch.
- To publish a collection of first of series books in one volume.
- To begin writing Jackson, the next in my Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT series which releases on July 11th!
- To complete 4 editing projects in May!
For health related, I plan:
- To resume counting those points for my Weight Watchers diet and hopefully shed at least 5 pounds, remembering, as always: Slow is good!
- To continue to reduce salt, processed food, and incorporate foods good for blood pressure (spinach, broccoli, bananas, red wine).
- To swim at least once a day!
- To begin walking and counting my steps.
- I’ll make myself do more housework, too, because my art room is a disaster (although it’s getting better slowly). And cleaning is exercise, ahem.
For happiness-related, I plan:
- To spend quality time with the family—movie nights, swim-time, making fun meals together!
- To complete #the100dayproject, and then work on “finishing” the art I produced (varnish, fixative, wrapping or framing).
- To re-open my Etsy store! I now have enough art to do so!
Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier. Tell me what you plan to read in June…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!