Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for July 29th, 2023

Tubing on the Caddo!
Saturday, July 29th, 2023

I’m posting late today. Sorry—no puzzle! And no, those aren’t my legs (obvi!), but the view is very similar to the one I enjoyed today.

We were up early this morning so we could hit the Caddo river with our innertubes before a mob arrived. Tubing is very popular around here.

Several years ago, I invested in rugged river tubes because it’s something we love to do in the summertime and renting tubes is ridiculously expensive for a family of six. I also bought a floating cooler-tube that we fill with water bottles and snacks. And although we bought the best SPF sunscreen we could find, I’m still a very pretty color of dark pink at the moment.

I’m worn out. I think I’ll blow off the rest of the day and sit under an AC vent with a big jug of water to play Charm King until it’s time to go to bed. I promise, I’ll share a puzzle tomorrow!

Here are some pics with my favorite people: