UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens!
A day late, but here it is…
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what you would wish for once you discover this item. And where did you find it?
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| BlogSunday, July 30th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens! A day late, but here it is… For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what you would wish for once you discover this item. And where did you find it? This entry was posted on Sunday, July 30th, 2023 at 1:26 pm in Contests!. Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle. You can feed this entry. Both comments and pings are currently closed. 25 comments to “Puzzle-Contest: Make a Wish…”Comments are closed. | |||||||||||||
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Puzzle done in 6:10. Item to wish for, hmmm honestly just a little bit of financial security and health, happiness and love for all those in my life. Not sure there is a place or price that fulfills that wish though.
Honestly if i could wish for anything it would be just some peace in my life. It seems that nothing wants to go my way and i would like just one thing to work out in my favor.
3:54 I would wish for my children to have enough money to not be stressed by bills.
The ability to travel anywhere in the blink of an eye and could take others with me. I would find it in an antique shop since I love to check out those types of places.
It would be fun to win the lottery – not the huge amounts (that would be extremely stressful) – but enough to travel to a few places and have a pad to retirement.
trip around the world
I’d wish for magical powers and the ability to use them properly.
That we could find an apartment so we can move from the place were at now.
I would wish for some financial security for me and my family and closest friends. My time of puzzle is 12:17 I suck at puzzles!!
I would wish for better for me health. Painfree days. Financial security,health and happiness to all my family and those I hold dear.
6:06 I would wish for health for everyone. So tired of hearing of people getting cancer and dying from it. I have lost many family members to cancer and fought it twice myself. Only being an advocate for myself is what lead to the cancer being found and removed before it went beyond Stage 2. If you do not feel something is right in your body, do not stop fighting for yourself, push the doctors until they run every scan.
4:33….only one wish that’s hard i would wish for happiness ( enough money, good health, good friends;, no worries)life is too stressful and full of privation lately, future is not that bright so i think it would protect from all of that
My dream home
Oh well, I would have found this little treasure hiding behind other treasures at an antique mall. It was all tarnished and nasty looking, but I polished it up. As for what I would wish for? I don’t know. The only thing that comes to my mind is the old saying, “If wishes were horses, beggars might ride.” I am not a wisher kind of person. So I think, once it was all polished and pretty again, I would probably put a price tag on it and let someone else have the wish.
I can see stumbling across this at a thrift store. Would want to request a peaceful fall for everyone!
A home. That isn’t coming apart around me, so I can be safe and warm and then help others.
That we get the apartment we applied for and my husband keeps getting better
I would wish to see my parents one more time for a few hours. I found the lamp buried in the sand at the beach.
I wish for good health for myself and everyone I love. Fame and fortune are fleeting. Health is way more important than wealth.
4:40. I would wish my daughter to be back alive with us in perfect health.
If I could wish for anything, my first wish would be to set my family up for life, not too much but comfortable with some effort, My second wish would be to do away with any kind of cancer. And my third wish would be for peace and understanding in this crazy world we live in. I would find my magic lamp on a beach, it would just roll up to my toes.
I would probably find the magic lamp at one of the consignment stores I frequently shop. I’d wish for $1,000,000 dollars! I just want to pay off bills, college loans and be able to fix up my house and travel some.
I found it at a yard sale and I would probably wish for my family to be happy and together. I don’t know the specifics, but it would be cool to be able to be together.
My time for the puzzle was 13.31. It was a bit challenging but it was fun!
Thanks for sharing, y’all! Loved reading your wishes. So many wishes for happiness and health—and not just for yourselves. Lovely!
The winner (chosen by a random number generator) is…#5 — Diane Sallens!