UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!
Many of us remember exactly where we were when the Twin Towers were hit, followed by the strike against the Pentagon, and then the plane falling out of the sky in Pennsylvania. I was at work, passing by a break room and noting a crowd surrounding the TV high on the wall. The first plane had struck, and then as I watched, the second plane hit. As one, we realized it wasn’t an accident, and we found seats to watch the newscast because we couldn’t not watch.
The aftermath—the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq… The horrible loss lives on that day and the years that followed… Our world changed. So, on this day, the anniversary of 9-11, let’s think about the lives lost on those planes and in those buildings, and the sacrifices of the many first responders.
A Poll
One more poll, and I’ll leave you alone for today.
While I have books in the bounty hunters and Dead Horse series coming (I’ll be putting up the pre-orders soon), I have some space in my calendar for some more stories. Vote on things you’d like to read. I might pay attention to what you have to say. (My muses have the ultimate say. 🙂 )
Choose two options, please. Then tell me which you really, really want, or if there’s something you’d like me to write that I don’t mention here for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC.

it was a shock for every one and it still hurt even if we were not immediately affected.
I would really like a story about VIP the investigators and team that helped Fletch and the other Boounty Hunters
Overwhelming Ophelia was my first vote!
I voted for Overwhelming Ophelia too.
I know what you mean about not being able to not watch.
9/11/2001 was a day I kinda went into shock – had the tv on at home & started seeing the local NYC news reports – then saw the 2nd plane hit live – had to head into the office but they sent us home because we were right off Rt 80 which runs west from NYC – company had an office in WTC but it was on a lower floor so all our people got out, but lost about 18 from my home town because they worked in financial firms like Cantor Fitzgerald (we have a commuter train line into NYC) – watched what I could the rest of the day but the channel I regularly watch had their antenna at the top of the World Trade center tower – can’t believe it’s been 22 years and they are still working on identifying remains
Dark Moon
I was teaching when it happened. Being responsible for those students, I could not take the time until later to really find out what happened. Many parents came for their children. I hoped mine understood I could not until later. It changed out lives and I knew first responders who did not make it.
I would love a story about coincidences but with characters we already know. For example, in a prequel showing a character watching the reality show about the bounty hunters and a friend jokes that one of the members of the crew is hot but the person who ends up later as part of the crew doesn’t react. It turns out that there are many other near misses or chances to meet but the timing is all wrong. Like they are both looking at the same house at an open house but just miss each other. You always insert so many smile worthy moments that I think this could be a lot of fun.
I remember I was walking the dog before getting ready for work and neighbors were coming out to their porches crying and one told me about the planes and crash into the World Trade Center Towers. I was stunned. When I arrived at work, we moved the TV from the break room into the Bank lobby so both employees and customers could see the news that day. The day was quiet with people talking in low voices and being respectful of each other. The last time I remember a day similar was the Challenger disaster in 1986.
I voted for Dark Moon as I read the other books of the Beau Reve series and would like to see the last sister witch find her man and how the series wraps.
I worked for Marriott Hotels at the time. We had a hotel right next to the twin towers. All the guests got out, but we lost two employees. They were going room to room to make sure everyone was out.
Spent the day in front of the large tv in the lobby. My hotel was right next to the airport. I wish I went up to the top floor to see all the airplanes parked on the runways.
Little green Dreams meets OO
Thanks for giving me your thoughts!
The winner of the GC (chosen by a random number generator) is…Diane Sallans!