What on earth do polar bears have to do with a Brotherhood Protector’s story? Well, you’ll just have to check out Gunn’s Mission to find out! And there’s more to learn about this unusual mission at the top of the world!
When I began fiddling with an idea for my next BP story, I had to choose an international setting, but you know, I was kind of bored with the same ole-same ole, so I hit upon something I was pretty sure hadn’t been covered in that big world. I think I found it. You can read it as a standalone story, no problem, but you could also pick up copies of the entire Team Eagle series and really immerse yourself in their journeys. There’s also a murder to solve and dangers awaiting our hero and heroine, both natural and unnatural. Plus, you know how cold it can be up there… Sexiness does ensue. Enjoy!!
Gunn’s Mission
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Booker’s Mission
Hunter’s Mission
Gunn’s Mission
Xavier’s Mission
Wyatt Mission