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Archive for March, 2024
Sunday, March 17th, 2024

Of course, this is a day we celebrate in our household! The red-headed hellion (my daughter) would have it no other way. She spent quite a lot of time in Ireland with her father’s relatives when she was younger and took two of the girls to Ireland recently to meet with the people they’re always talking to on the phone. Tonight, we’ll have a lovely meal, but parades are out because they’re simply too far away. We’ll spend it quietly with family. If celebrating St. Paddy’s Day isn’t a thing in your house, consider making it one. We all need loads and loads of reasons to celebrate life throughout the year! Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!
Open Contests

- Meet Your Weekend Book Boyfriend — $0.99 Sale! (Contest + Excerpt) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest: National Barbie Day (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Word Search: Favorite Pets (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- The Joy of Bingeing (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
- Katherine Smits: St. Patrick’s Story Spectacular — The Pen Dames March Contest (2 Prizes!) — Win an Amazon gift card, plus–have your name appear in a story!
- Gabbi Grey: A Sexy Story (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest & a Reminder! — Win an Amazon gift card!
Tagged: holiday, Saint Patrick's Day Posted in Contests!, General | Comments Off on Happy St. Patrick’s Day & Open Contests! | Link
Saturday, March 16th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Deb Brown!
First, a reminder of what’s coming your way next Tuesday!
Have you ordered your copy?

What happens in Bozeman stays in Bozeman…unless it’s a cowboy!
Stranded in Bozeman, Montana, for the night while snowplows clear a mountain pass, Kelly Willis decides to throw caution to the wind. After being jilted by her college sweetheart, she’s determined to have one no-holds-barred night, her way of seeking revenge against a lifetime of conformity, before she settles down in a new town to live a very circumspect life as an elementary school teacher. She chooses another stranded motorist, propositioning him with the offer of a no-strings, no-names night of pleasure.
No one is more shocked than rancher Ryan Mobley when he appears at his daughter’s parent-teacher meeting to discover the angel he’d made love to is his daughter’s new teacher. Now that she’s here, he’s going to do everything he can to convince her they have a real connection, something they can build a lifetime on.
While she wrangles the class bully and he tries to figure out who’s rustling his cattle, the two of them grow closer with the help of a classroom full of mini matchmakers.
Pre-order your copy here!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what this scenery does to you. That’s all. Happy Saturday!
Tagged: contemporary romance, game, jigsaw, Montana, puzzle, small town romance, We Are Dead Horse Posted in About books..., Pre-Order | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen - Diane Sallans - BN - cindy - Steph -
Friday, March 15th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!
Hello Delilah! Thank you for inviting me to share my new release!
When I saw the call for femme fatale flash fiction pieces, I dropped everything and ran to my computer.
My editor was shocked when I sent her not one but two pieces. I asked for a quick turnaround time – which she generously did for me. I even got the two stories submitted early! What mostly surprised my editor was that, at the beginning of our acquaintance, I maintained I couldn’t write short. That I was only capable of writing stories over 70,000 words. She’d send me different calls for short pieces. I even submitted one for a Delilah anthology (she didn’t pick it and that was good because it wasn’t that great). Eventually I wrote a couple of short stories that got published. Then I wrote my first short story for a charity anthology, and I’ve done almost a dozen since. I’ve also written more than a dozen novellas. So yes, apparently, I can write short. The last few submissions have been 5,000 words or less. In this case a lot less.
One piece of flash fiction I submitted for this anthology was a BDSM short story about a Domme. That story was under my Gabbi Black pen name. It didn’t get picked, but that was okay. I plan to expand that story and release it myself. Kat’s Claws, however, did get selected.
That acceptance letter put me over the moon. Most of the anthologies I join involve me signing up and submitting the best story I possibly can. Rarely do I submit to curated anthologies (or get personally asked to join a charity anth). I just don’t have time. I’m so glad I did for this one. My flash fiction (667 words – and yes, I should’ve found one to trim…) is about a lioness shifter who interferes with her best friend’s love life. Her best friend is an owl shifter. From the first shifter book I read about ten years ago, I wondered what kind of shifter I would write. Now, I never had any intention of writing a shifter book. I’ve only written one other paranormal story, and it’s about a ghost. To me, that’s just a love story, not a paranormal. Well, apparently if ghosts are involved, it falls into the mystical sphere.
I’ve signed up for a shifter anthology in September, and I’ve written the story of the owl shifter (the lioness’s best friend) and the human woman she loves so much. A lesbian, owl shifter, reality show, short story. Man, I can’t wait to share that with the world. In the meantime, when I saw the femme fatale call, I knew I needed to tell Kat’s side of the story. The prologue, as it might be. Why she did what she did and how her friend reacted. That’s the basis for Kat’s Claws. I hope readers pick up this anthology and read all the great stories. The editor prepared sketches for each one, and I’m thrilled with what she did for me. So yeah, the email I received telling me that I made the cut really was a great day.
I would love to give away a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky commenter. Have you tried reading or writing flash fiction? Or do you prefer longer stories? One randomly chosen comment will win the prize.
Thanks, Delilah, for letting me visit.
Femme Fatale Flashes

Welcome to the shadowed corners of intrigue and peril. Wicked Shadow Press presents “Femme Fatale Flashes”, a captivating anthology of flash fictions, each one casting the spotlight on the elusive femme fatale, a figure at once dangerously seductive and imbued with an undeniable strength.
Dive into narratives where mystery and malice dance closely, as these women tread the fine line between morality and desire. From the straightforward journeys of beguiling yet sinister characters whose beginnings are as veiled as their intentions, to the intricate tales of those sculpted by the harshness of society, the sting of betrayal, or the tumultuous twists of love, this collection delves into the myriad hues of what it means to embody the femme fatale.
“Femme Fatale Flashes” beckons you to explore the complex realm of these mesmerising women through stories that are as concise as they are profound. Brace yourself to be captivated by the lethal allure of the femme fatale, in a collection that promises to enchant, entangle, and ultimately, redefine your perception of power, vengeance, and seduction.
This anthology features 56 stories, penned by 49 authors from around the world.
FEATURED IN THIS COLLECTION: Albert Tucher, Angela Tang, Anna McHugh, Armand Rosamilia, Arun Hariharan, Barlow Crassmont, Bissme S, Chad Anctil, Christopher Ryan, Crystal Red, D.A. Cairns, Dale Parnell, Daniel DiQuinzio, David Rae, Dawn DeBraal, Destiny Eve Pifer, Emmanuel Maduabuchi Titus, Gabbi Grey, Grant Tracey, Hannah Marchildon, Ian Gielen, Ivy Wilde, James Dorr, JB Wocoski, Jeremy Gadd, Joshua Vise, Kevin Hopson, Kris Blackburn, Kylie Doyle, LaVern Spencer McCarthy, Linda M. Crate, Madhu Mehrotra, Nelly Shulman, Olivia Arieti, R.W. Hartshorn, Rachel Loertscher, Rina Palumbo, Robb T. White, Sarah Das Gupta, Sarah Mayo, Sharon Frame Gay, Shayde O. Brown, Sheldon Woodbury, Soter Lucio, Susan Temple, TC Phillips, Toshiya Kamei, Val Roberts, Warren Benedetto
eBook link: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/femme-fatale-flashes/ebook/product-579e6jr.html
Paperback Link: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/femme-fatale-flashes/paperback/product-579e6yr.html
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/209492846-femme-fatale-flashes
Kat’s Claws by Gabbi Grey

I am a temptress, a seducer, and a lioness shifter. When my best friend, an owl shifter, is about to make a terrible mistake, I use my prowess to bring her relationship with a human to an end. That might make me a bitch, but I did it for the right reason. Or so I believe…
About the Gabbi Grey

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Tagged: anthology, shifter, short story Posted in Contests!, General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom - flchen - Debra - Steph - Jennifer Beyer -
Thursday, March 14th, 2024
UPDATE: The winners are Linda and Roxie!

Thanks so much to Delilah for hosting me today! I truly appreciate this opportunity to speak directly to you, the readers.
The Pen Dames are currently running our annual contest, and I thought you might enjoy it. Here are the details…

We invite you to become a character in an upcoming story we’re crafting. It’s simple to enter—just leave your first name in the comments section of this blog post or on one of our Facebook posts about the contest, and we’ll name a character after the winner.
I can’t give away too many details, but the tale will have an Irish theme in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and will feature elements of mystery, magic, and a dash of romance. Please note the story will only be published on the Pen Dames blog, and no financial compensation will be provided. All rights are reserved. The contest closes on March 17th.
Now, this is just for fun, but how often do you have the chance to read about a character named after you?
A little about us, the Pen Dames. We’re a group of five author friends who share a love for each other’s work and are bound by our motto of Heart, Humor, and Happily Ever After. We’re passionate about books, reading, and, most importantly, our readers. If you’d like to learn more about us, please visit our website.
As an additional thank-you for Delilah’s kindness in hosting this post on short notice, I’m offering a special drawing for anyone who comments here. You’ll also have the chance to win either a $5.00 Amazon gift card or (for U.S. residents only) a signed combined print edition of two of my books edited by none other than Delilah! Along with the books, I’ll include a swag bag filled with goodies, such as a crystal pen, stickers, bookmarks, charms, and surprises.
The two books included in the additional prize are “The Sea Witch and the Mage” and Siren Descending. If you’re curious, “The Sea Witch and the Mage” is a short story set in a contemporary romantic fantasy world of mermaids, mermen, and mages and is the prequel to Siren Descending which reimagines the Greek myth of Orpheus with a Siren as the heroine.
About the Author

I’m Katherine Eddinger Smits, and my fascination with all things paranormal stems from being a direct descendant of one of the women executed for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. My stories often feature mages, mermaids, and gifted humans grappling with real-life issues like self-acceptance and phobias, all while weaving in mystery, suspense, and a hint of romance.
If you’re interested in exploring more of my work, you can visit my website and subscribe to my newsletter for a free short story.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our contest and for considering participating. Whether you decide to join us or simply follow along, we appreciate your support.
Tagged: Guest Blogger, paranormal romance, Saint Patrick's Day Posted in Contests!, General | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra Guyette - Katherine Smits - BN - Roxie A Jones - Delilah -
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is Beckie!

The COVID Lockdown gave birth to a new habit I’m unable to break—bingeing old television series.
I started with Criminal Minds—all 15 seasons. It was so satisfying to keep track of the characters’ arcs inside the series. I loved the innovative crimes. When I finished, I felt a huge letdown. It was like coming off a high, almost (ahem, not that I know what that is like). So, I scouted around for other series I could watch from start to finish. My list isn’t complete because I’m sure I’ve forgotten something along the way, but I went back to one of my childhood joys, Star Trek.
Since I’d watched Star Trek, The Original Series a couple of times through already years ago, I watched The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Enterprise, Voyager, and Picard. And then because I was out of series that were complete, I watched everything I could of Discovery, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Strange New Worlds. I also watched Farscape, from beginning to end (so good!). And because it had been years since I’d watched The Original Series, I watched it again (I just finished last week)—and you know, it holds up. Yeah, the tech is very crude by today’s standards, but the characters! Star Trek without William Shatner’s Kirk would have been forgotten.
While I wait for new complete seasons of the new Star Trek shows to drop, I looked around for something else sci-fi-ish but different. I’m currently watching the first season of Sea Quest DSV, but it misses for me. I love the concept of “Star Trek, but in the depths of the ocean,” but the characters aren’t as compelling although I howled in the first scene when Roy Scheider (Jaws) was swimming in the ocean with a dolphin’s fin circling him. Still, I’m stubborn, and I’ll watch it until I finish it. Then, hopefully, the new Star Trek episodes will be available.
Of non-sci-fi shows—I really like Ghosts. I was drawn because I LOVED Rose McIver in I Zombie, and I stayed because I love the ensemble cast. I watched all of NCIS: New Orleans. I like NCIS: Hawaii.
So, now you know what I do when I finish writing and need to unwind before I go to bed. I unspool a series and watch it from beginning to end, sometimes slogging through it if it isn’t wonderful but determined to get to The End.
For a chance to win a download of one of my books, your choice, tell me whether you’ve binged a series and what you like. What would you recommend for when I run out of Star Trek?
Posted in General | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra Guyette - beckie - ButtonsMom - Steph - Delilah -
Tuesday, March 12th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Joy Boutwell!

The Devlin household has numerous pets. Too many. Currently, we have seven dogs (did I count right?), four cats, and a bunny. The picture I’m sharing is of MY cat. She hangs out with me, loves her cat bed under my desk, and is a generally noisy nuisance. Tessa has the most god-awful meow of any cat I’ve ever had. It’s a scratchy, yowling sort of meow that grates on a person’s nerves, but she’s MY cat. Usually, when she’s looking at me, her gold eyes are perfectly round, which makes her look really stupid. Here, I woke her from a nap, so she’s irritated with me. If she were a tiger, she’d eat me.
Yes, the topic for the word search today is lame, but I didn’t want to break my brain trying to come up with something clever, so for the sake of a good brain-matter workout, here’s today’s challenge:
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me about a favorite pet of yours, past or present, and have you had any exotic ones? I’ve had everything on the list below except for a lizard and a snake (feeding them mice or crickets was a big NO).
Tagged: game, word nerd, word search Posted in Contests! | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: BN - Debra Guyette - Beckie - kerry pruett - Joy Boutwell -
Monday, March 11th, 2024

When I was writing my drama-comedy second chance sports romance, Stars in the City, I was both caught between that longing of a soap actress named Valeria Joseph, who wanted her ex back, and the adorable swoony moments when they reconnected. So, I needed a playlist that took me into both mentalities and acted like a soundtrack to dreaming about getting back with the guy who you never got over, the swoony moments where you fall back in love, and everything else that goes on when you have a second chance with the guy you’ve never stopped loving.
I loved writing this sweet romance that reunites a young soap star dealing with her own insecurities who never got over her ex, Davis, who she runs into on the streets of New York City. She finds out he’s now playing basketball at a college in the city, and they start to fall back in love. However, Valeria’s celebrity life brings drama, and it doesn’t help when the gossip sites link her with other stars. Can these two get it together this time around?

First, here’s an excerpt from Stars in the City:
“Valeria, you don’t have to be that girl on the TV screen right now with me. I just want the girl from River Grove back,” Davis said.
Except I hadn’t been that girl since I started the show. I reached over and took another sip of water.
He leaned across the table and put his hand over mine. “I hope you didn’t think I was judging you. Your celebrity life is so foreign to me. That’s all. I just want you to know you don’t have to be on twenty-four seven. You can just be yourself because you’re amazing.”
I met his eyes, and he squeezed my hand.
“It’s not quite the same thing with me playing basketball, but I do know what it’s like to have huge expectations other people have put on you. Not to mention, the high and impossible expectations you put on yourself. You and I have always had that in common.” He winced.
“I guess it’s worse for you now playing at the college level, huh?”
He nodded.
I squeezed his hand back. “I hope I didn’t freak you out with the photo thing.”
“You’re in a whole new world. Not going to lie—I’m not crazy about how that’s impacting you, but I get it.”
“Yeah, but then I dropped a therapy session on you. Ugh. I am a lot.” I shut my eyes and sighed. He was probably eyeballing the exits as we spoke.
He was smiling when I opened my eyes. “I believe I’m the one who started that session. Actually, the fact we’ve always been able to be open and vulnerable with each another is one of the things I loved most about us. That’s why it hit like a truck when you suddenly wanted to split up. I understand it now. Sweetie, I’m just relieved we got it all out in the open.”
My shoulders dropped in relief as I exhaled. “Even though it was a messy therapy session?”
He laughed. “Those are the best conversations to clear the air. Do you know how rare it is to find someone you can do that with? I hope you don’t ever feel you have to hold back from me.”
The waitress came over with the bill. He reached into his pocket and handed her his credit card before I could get my purse open. She placed two to-go boxes on the table for us.
“Ready to go?” He helped me put my coat on, and we walked back to my place.
“I have exactly fourteen minutes until I need to get the bus,” he said as I unlocked the door.
I frowned. Saying goodbye was going to be so hard after we had finally cleared the air. He came in and put his hand over mine.
“Val, I don’t know how to say this, but this is the first time in months I’ve felt relaxed and happy. Like my entire nervous system just regulated itself.”
We both smiled. “Mine, too. I missed you.”
How many times did I think to myself that talking to him felt like sliding into a warm bath? No one could calm my mind down like he could.
“I’m still worried I dropped too much on you tonight.”
He chewed on the inside of his lip. “I’m glad you told me all of that. You have a tendency to hold back, and I know it wasn’t easy for you.” He brushed a strand of hair away from my face. “Not going to lie—I’ve been holding back with you, too. I was afraid of getting hurt again. But I think if we want to make a go of it then we’re going to have to be open about everything. After all, things could have been different if we had talked it all out last summer.”
He looked down at the floor, and I knew there was something he needed to get out. I touched his arm, and he met my eyes.
“After we broke up, I spent a lot of time going over stuff in my head, and I didn’t know if you were afraid to get too close to me because of what happened with your mom and dad or if you wanted someone more exciting.” He sighed. “I guess I always wondered if you loved me … anywhere as much as I loved you.”
My eyes widened as I realized how much my parents’ divorce had closed me off. I told myself I held back from my other ex, Lance, because he seemed like a player, but the truth was I had been doing it for a long time.
“Last year, the idea of losing what we had was terrifying because it was the first time I’d ever felt anything like that in my life. I was scared of getting my heart broken and losing the one person who meant the most to me in the whole world.” My stomach fluttered as I knew I had to expose my true feelings for him if he was going to trust me again. “I was so in love with you.”
He exhaled and put his hands on my waist. “So you left because you were afraid that I’d leave first?”
I nodded.
He brushed my cheek. “I wish you had told me even half of this.”
I swallowed hard. “But that’s a lot to put on a teenage boy. I didn’t want you to be overwhelmed. I was so in love with you, and I was scared I was going to overload you and you’d run.”
Davis sucked in his breath. “I can understand why you’d be afraid to even bring that up to me. But you should know that that was exactly how I felt about you. And it utterly destroyed me when you walked out on us.”
My eyes began to water.
“Hey, not trying to make you cry. I just want you to know how I felt about you.”
I didn’t trust myself to talk for fear a flood of emotions and tears would come out. He cupped my face.
“Is there any chance we could get back together and maybe I could call you my girlfriend again?”

***Pick up the book here. It’s free in Kindle Unlimited:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Stars-City-Krysten-Lindsay-Hager-ebook/dp/B0C19THWX3
Amazon CAN: https://www.amazon.ca/Stars-City-Krysten-Lindsay-Hager-ebook/dp/B0C19THWX3
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stars-City-Krysten-Lindsay-Hager-ebook/dp/B0C19THWX3
Amazon AUS: https://www.amazon.com.au/Stars-City-Krysten-Lindsay-Hager-ebook/dp/B0C19THWX3

The One by Amy Swift: It has that late night reminiscing over lost love feeling. I can see Valeria listening to this late at night and thinking about Davis.
Nobody knows me like you do (Made For Me) by Muni Long: This one just fits Davis and Valeria’s relationship. Davis says no one has ever understood him so well and Valeria feels the same way. You see them as each other’s biggest supporter through the good and, more importantly, the bad times.
Back to December by Taylor Swift: The perfect song that embodies what it’s like to reminisce about a relationship you screwed up and want back. This feels like a song that Valeria would play on repeat about regrets with Davis.
Golden Hour by Kacey Musgraves: The calming, sweet song that would fit Valeria and Davis as she says talking to him is like sliding into a warm bath.
Maroon by Taylor Swift: This song is set in New York (like the book) and the song deals with a past relationship. It reminded me more of Valeria and her co-star (and ex) Lance.
Back to You by Selena Gomez: The kind of song you sing along to in the car about the ex you’re missing. I picture Valeria singing this with her friends Cecily and Paige.
What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts: I played this over and over because I was basically trying to hurt my own feelings to get the emotion right for Valeria’s voice in the story. Also Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts: For the moment where you realize the past will make them appreciate each other more and it’ll be different this time. (I write happily ever afters, so you can relax! It’s a happy ending.)
Almost Over You by Sheena Easton (There’s also a version by Lila McCann I listened to as well): If you’ve ever been sad over your ex this is your national anthem. Note: playing this at 3 am is not in your best interest unless you like crying!
Can’t Let Go by Mariah Carey: If you follow my work then you already know this song is my go-to song to hurt my own feelings to get that heartbreak feeling just right in a story. I put it on repeat and it just brings those feelings to the surface.
You can find the playlist here if you want to listen to any of the songs yourself. Plus, I have the ambiance videos Valeria sends to Davis to calm his anxiety in the book. There’s a few more videos that inspired me on the playlist as well. Happy listening and reading! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrFxW3TeFT5tnIW2xljtaefrrJb203dJg
About the Author
Krysten Lindsay Hager is a bestselling author of YA and contemporary romance. She writes romance because she loves bringing people swoony moments and hope-filled happily ever afters. She writes about falling in love, fame, fitting in, frenemies, first loves, and finding your way in the world. She loves reading, watching movies, and lipstick.
Website: https://www.krystenlindsay.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystenlindsay/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/krystenlindsay/
Tagged: music, second chance romance, sports romance, YA Romance Posted in About books..., Free Read | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah - Krysten Hager -