The winner is…Ann Ivey!
Cyrus (I don’t have a last name for him yet—any ideas?) will be the first man hired by Montana Bounty Hunters: West Yellowstone office. I’ll start the book this week, but so far, I haven’t landed on the perfect woman to challenge him.
So, I thought it might be fun to get your input. I’ve thrown out some possibilities. Vote on your favorites—you can choose two. If you have another idea, add it in the comments. If you have ideas for names or things that can cause some problems or pose dangers for them, add those, too.
If you comment, you’ll be entered to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Thanks for any help!

A single mom who is contracted to build 😁
A guide that knows the whereabouts of man being hunted & guides Cyrus. End up being hunted instead & have to help each other to get out alive.
How about a single mom who is their new admin. Maybe she has a stalky/survivalist ex who just can’t let go.
How about Cyrus Brockman? They could call him “Rocky” or “Rock Man”. Do you already have a Rocky?
Cyrus Brockman sounds good!
Stalky exes sound good. So do adventure guides who are hunted. (Have to go watch that old Meryl Streep movie.)
I voted Single mom & admin hired by the new agency.
I like the idea of her owning a flower shop and being a single mom.
For last name Maybe something with a little humour like shamrock. Cyrus Shamrock. It has a little bit of humor, but a good strong character name.
Park Ranger
I like the idea of another bounty hunter. Not sure of you’ve done that before but it’ll add a lot of tension. I already love Cyrus ❤️ 🥵
I think it would be great if he thought she worked for the construction company but actually owns it with her brother/cousin/best friend. Maybe she’s the architect or something.
Another bounty hunter
I like the idea of a single mom who runs tours through the park….& she’s able to help Cyrus find places in the park that he has no idea exist
I voted. Should be fun
I think it would be neat that she run tours or something local to where she new the local gossip of things going on so he would have to learn helpful tips from her. Problem would be fun too if she had a teen age smarty pants good kid to tag along also
I agree about the guide. I remember the movie with Meryl Streep. The River Wild, yeah?
A park ranger or a local rancher.
The lady could be a sister or sister-in-law of somebody in the area.