Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Happy Mother’s Day! Plus, Report Card & Open Contests!
Sunday, May 12th, 2024

First, to all the mothers out there! Happy Mother’s Day!

This was part of my gift from my daughter! She knows I’m a Star Trek girl and had an artist do this up of me with my cat, Tess, Lower Decks style. She had one image framed for my office wall and had a coffee cup made with the image wrapped around it. Such a lovely, thoughtful gift for a nerdy girl like me! The 19-year-old added a funny squeeze-toy/stress ball with an alien that pops out of a spaceship and a small tray with a spaceship hovering over a farm field, sucking up a cow. Yes, they do know me well.

Report Card

Last week…

  • I finished one editing job for another author, plus, I worked on three others.
  • I finished revising, formatting, and uploading Five Ways ‘Til Sunday, which releases Tuesday. I began revising the next in the Delta Heat series, Fournicopia.
  • I worked on art for #The100DayProject.
  • My knee is nearly healed, but I have to stop myself from moving full-steam-ahead, because every time I do, I reinjure it. It’s such a pain in the ass.
  • So, yeah, I’m light on accomplishments this week. 🙁

This next week…

  • I will work on four editing projects for other authors, finishing three!
  • I will try to find art for the next anthology, Secret Identities. Plus, I’ll work on the webpage on the Collections site, adding loglines for each author’s story. (This is a repeat from last week, because I didn’t make much progress.)
  • I will complete revising the second and third stories in the kink series I’m republishing and get them uploaded.
  • I will begin writing my next Montana Bounty Hunter story, the first in the West Yellowstone office, Cyrus. (This is carried over, too. I made NO progress.)
  • I will continue creating small art daily for #The100DayProject.
  • I’ll work on a gazillion administrative and cleanup duties I need to catch up on. My office is a disaster at the moment.

I really need a vacation…

Open Contests

  1. April into May (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Word Search: Happy Batman Day! (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a beadable pen!
  3. Remember when…? (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Why did the black bear cross the road?This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Who should Cyrus’s love interest be? (Poll & Contest)This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  6. Word Search: Family Summertime Activities (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. Books for PRE-ORDER! See what’s coming soon! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Melanie Jayne: Spending Time with Old Friends (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  9. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Have you ever seen the Northern Lights? — Win an Amazon gift card!

2 comments to “Happy Mother’s Day! Plus, Report Card & Open Contests!”

  1. A. Catherine Noon
    · May 12th, 2024 at 11:55 am · Link

    I am loving the report card idea. Mind if I borrow it?

  2. Colleen C.
    · May 12th, 2024 at 12:42 pm · Link

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!

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