Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway (Contest)
Monday, May 13th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Sharon Coomes!

I’ve got a hoarding problem. This picture is of one section of my bookshelf. I have a s@#t-ton of my books, collected over my 20 years of publishing. So, I thought it’s time to do something about them. The burn barrel seemed too…tragic. So I thought maybe a bunch of giveaways might be fun. Then the giveaways needed a name. The only thing that came to mind was, the Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway. Afterall, I need more room for things like my Funko Pop bobbleheads or some Star Trek action figures. Important stuff.

So, for a chance to win a randomly chosen by me (I might say, do you want a western, an erotic novel, or a paranormal?) book, which I will of course sign and fill with a bookmark and a postcard, painted by me, tell me whether you’re as excited as I am for summer to come!

If you like this contest, we’ll do it again, and again, and again, until I have space on my bookshelves!

54 comments to “Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway (Contest)”

  1. Elaine
    · May 19th, 2024 at 5:59 pm · Link

    Summer cannot come fast enough for me.

  2. Shannon Hall
    · May 20th, 2024 at 10:56 pm · Link

    Summer time is the best of time!!!

  3. Natascha den Uijl
    · May 24th, 2024 at 9:25 am · Link

    I live the summer because me and my kids have a 6 weeks summerbreak to look forward too!!! Making great memories is so important!

  4. Beth
    · May 25th, 2024 at 6:21 pm · Link

    My book shelves used to look like that before I moved. I seem to have misplaced a couple boxes. At least I hope they are just misplaced and not lost forever because I know of at least 22 that are missing, maybe more.
    As for being ‘excited’ about summer, I still have to undergo the radiation part of the treatment for the current breast cancer I’m dealing with, and need to sort through all those boxes that got packed for the move in April. I expect that to take up most of the summer.

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