UPDATE: The winner is…Dana Zamora!
Yesterday was the last day of school for our kids, here. The 10-year-old has already asked, “So, what are we doing today?” She thinks the summer is supposed to be filled with fun activities. It’s raining, and our pool still has a few more days to go before it’s clear and ready for swimming. She was disabused of the idea of swimming when the water is still cloudy when a water moccasin shimmied up from the cloudy depths the other day. No, we have to see the bottom of the pool, dear.
Today, I think, my daughter is leading her in some sort of art project. Last night, the kid reviewed my vast supply of yarn to find pretty bits for all the friendship bracelets she plans to make. We’re off to a start. Not going to say what kind. She’s going to make this exhausting. LOL
In the meantime, I’m wondering about your preferences for Summer Beach Reads. I came up with a list. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me the title of a book you plan to read this summer, or the type of book you prefer to read pool or beachside.
Interesting topic today. Mostly because, in my case, it is a topic of debate. I am not a fan of water like you. I have neither a pool or access too a pool. Although I live close to one of the larger inland seas in the world with awesome sand dunes, I am not a fan of the beach. Also, what exactly constitutes a “beach read?” I have often wondered that. And trying to read on a beach . . . Really? All that sand. And people! Taking a book to the beach just seems silly to me, even if I was inclined to go to a beach these days. So, leaving out the beach part of things, I like to read romcoms, military romances like you write, regular mysteries, (not a big fan of the cozies though) sci fi, small town. Yeah, I read a lot of different things. Just finished an historical romance. But, I do prefer to read at home where there aren’t any distractions, like sand or tourists.
Fair enough! LOL. Who likes to drip sweat on a book. I prefer to float after I swim, not read where the sun is so glaring it hurts my eyes. I suppose erecting a table with an umbrella would take care of that problem. I, too, like a quiet indoor nook to read.
It has been probably 25+ years since I was in a pool, 45 years since a visit to the ocean, and 30+ to a resort with a lake. I do like to read, though. The next book on my list (another to my sister) is Dead Mountain followed by Angel of Vengeance, when it is released. I like to read different things, but my time is so limited…
I plan on reading Payback In Death sometime soon amongst other books…
I have a massive reading list for this summer. I like all sorts of romances but lately I’ve read some nice family stories or women’s stories. I plan to read Kingdom of Shadow and Light by Karen Marie Moning. I’ve been holding onto it since it published since I know once I start it I won’t put it down.
This year no pool fees as we moved to an apartment complex that has a pool but I burn easily so not sure how much I’ll be out. For reading the next up is Code Name Michaelangelo to review. Then some from Kris Michaels and MaryAnn Jordan and few others. The reading list is quite long good think I’m retired. Happy summer to all stay hydrated and have fun
I plan to re-read all my DARK CARPATIAN BOOKS BY Christine Feehan.. I have the entire set up to date and I am in the mood to re-read some of my favorite books from the past. After I am done with her books I’m going to re-read all my Sherrilyn Kenyan books that are a like genre of Vampire Hunters.
I enjoy re-reading favorite author book esp when I have complete sets.
I am looking forward to reading HEROES by Stephen Fry.
whatever’s on TBR
I love short stories and the lighter hearted rom coms and the like for actual poolside or beach reading, but I will also read whatever is on hand, LOL! Some things I do plan to read this summer include some anticipated releases from fave authors like Ari Baran’s HOME ICE ADVANTAGE, Beth Bolden’s CHERRY ON TOP, and whatever you’ve got cooking, Delilah 🙂
I plan on reading Gail Koger’s new series.
I love your puzzles, I kinda wish I had a pool, but don’t want the liability of it, I did spend some time in a pool last week in Springfield Missouri, me and a friend had a road trip to the new Buc ees there, I love going to that store, enjoy the summer everyone
Military romantic suspense, Cowboy, mail order Bride, what ever lights my fire that I can afford.
If I am on the beach or lake I like to read something light and funny. Makes the sunny day even better.