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Archive for June 14th, 2024

Happy Sewing Machine Day! (Contest)
Friday, June 14th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Charlene Whitehouse!

Yes, it’s another weird holiday! And such a fun one!

First, raise your hands! How many people here own a sewing machine? Do you own more than one?

We have…three?…in the house. One I purchased. One my daughter brought when she moved in. Another I inherited or was given. It’s been so many years, I don’t remember!

Now, tell me, when was the last time you used yours?

I used mine last when my dd challenged me to make some handkerchiefs for men. We had an idea we would make them using material with superhero patterns then give them away to the cops my SIL works with. We made two. If you can imagine it, we had to look up a YouTube video to remember how to thread the machine! It’s sad because I made clothes with mine back in the day.

So, why do people celebrate the sewing machine? It was an agent of change. No longer did women have to spend long hours to make their family’s clothing or mend their husband’s sleeves. They had an efficient way to take care of that task, which gave them more leisure time—to do what? Maybe dream of doing things outside the home… Yes, a sewing machine can be considered an agent of women’s empowerment! Do you see my Rosie the Riveter arm flex?

It’s Friday. It’s a holiday. Now, I’ll have to figure out how to celebrate. No, I’m not pulling a sewing machine out of a closet. 🙂

Answer the questions I posed above for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!