Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for June 16th, 2024

Report Card & Open Contests!
Sunday, June 16th, 2024

I’m sipping coffee and listening to the Stones’ “Mothers Little Helper.” Here goes…

It’s been a while, but my daughter and I hit the local flea market! Had to snap the flea market mascot, Catrick Swayze. He’s the barely domesticated, loves to nip, and gripes with every meow. You can see his meanness in his face, can’t you? My kind of cat.

And here’s my haul…

Not so impressive, I know. The microwave candy is for the girls, not me. Blech. My daughter found the pineapple for me. We’ve been looking for a solution to hold my coffee K-cups in the art room—and voilà! She also found the pretty tin. I collect them and have dreams of cutting them up into pretty shapes to make jewelry with them. She winces when she spots a pretty tin because she can picture the carnage. The cardboard box beside everything…? Someone bought up a bunch of those Amazon mystery boxes and offered them individually. We bought one! It’s so much fun to get them home, open them, and see whether you have treasure or dreck. We had a mixed box. Bento boxes. Christmas decorations. Pillow covers. Finger chopsticks. Maybe 70 small Christmas-themed notebooks. And six decibels-measuring devices…? (I will have to figure out how to unload those!) Yeah, treasure and dreck. But so much fun unboxing.

Report Card

Last week…

  • I worked on two editing jobs for other authors; I should finish one of them today.
  • I resolved my issues with the Kindle platform, and all four books in the Delta Fire series, which is the follow-on to the Delta Heat series, are loaded and ready for pre-order, including the last book in the series, which has not previously been published, Ignition. I’ll share all the covers this week—they are so hot!
  • I am working on editing the Secret Identities short stories for the anthology.
  • The biggest bummer of the week is that our pool is still “un-swimmable” for now. We were having fits, dumping tons of chemicals and never getting the water perfectly crystal clear, so we decided to replace the sand. When my SIL replaced it and put the filter back together, it leaked. We replaced seals and a collar on the filter, then when we got everything put back together, we had another leak on the Polaris hose. We got a part in yesterday, so I’m crossing my fingers that’s the problem. It will be a few days before the pool is clear enough to swim in. My dd says there’s another snake in there, but it’s too cloudy to fish the critter out. *sigh*
  • Okay, so maybe that’s not the biggest bummer. I went to the doctor at the VA this week, and she says I’m diabetic now. Barely, but she’s putting me on meds. I have got to drop some pounds!

This next week…

  • I will work on two editing projects for other authors, finishing two, I hope!
  • I’ll continue editing stories in the Secret Identities anthology. Plus, I’ll work with the authors to organize a promo schedule.
  • I have a lung and bone density test coming up, so we’ll have another trip to the big city.
  • I will finish creating small art daily for #The100DayProject. I’m almost there!
  • The pool situation will be settled this week!!!!!
  • I’m adding one more goal to get a plan in place to tackle the weight. I’m going to research what foods I can eat and those I can avoid, and then create a meal plan. Realistic exercise goals will be set, too. I tend to have better success when I follow a plan…

Open Contests

  1. Word Search: Inside SECRET IDENTITIES (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Gabbi Grey: Are we allowed to have favorites? (Contest) — This ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Story Cubes — Tell me a story (Contest) — This ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Saturday Puzzle Contest: On this day…Ghostbusters released! — This ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Melanie Jayne: My Nightly Conundrum—To DNF or Not (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  6. Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway (Contest) — Win a signed book and hand-painted goodies!
  7. Another Puzzle Day: What is he hunting? (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Happy Sewing Machine Day! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  9. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Shark Movies are Summertime Fun! — Win an Amazon gift card!