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Archive for June 20th, 2024

Word Search: Favorite International Cuisines (Contest)
Thursday, June 20th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Beckie!

Tomorrow, I’ll be heading to the big city for some imaging appointments. Yes, it’s a pain in the ass. However, my daughter and I try to take advantage of the fact we’re out and about to enjoy some shopping and some good food. We’re big foodies and have adventurous tastes.

Last week when we were in the city for another appointment, we hit our favorite Greek restaurant for gyros. There was a hummus appetizer and plenty of tzatziki sauce to slather on the pita bread. Delicious!

We haven’t decided what we’ll have tomorrow, but it will be good!

Since we don’t get away often, we experiment a lot in our kitchen.

Here’s a photo of one of my daughter’s latest entrees, Hungarian goulash. So good!

We dabble in Indian, Irish, German, and lots and lots of Mexican dishes. This week alone, my daughter made Indian Chicken Curry and the 19-year-old made chorizo-potato-egg breakfast tacos with homemade salsa and homemade corn tortillas. My spaghetti with meatballs is to die for, by the way. For Christmas, we toss the traditional ham or turkey and choose an international cuisine then research recipes. We’ve done Mexican, North African, then we circled back to Mexican, again. I’m hoping for Italian or Eastern European this year. Anyone have some good recipes? I know if we do Italian, I’ll have to do my meatballs and my dd will have to make her fantastic focaccia bread, but there will have to be more on the table!

So, thinking about food and tomorrow’s trip, I wondered how adventurous you all are! Do you like eating international cuisines when you’re out? Do you make special international dishes at home? (Spaghetti counts!) For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then share in the comments!