Readers often ask me why I write paranormal romance. I like to say I write paranormal because I’m a little paranormal myself. The truth is, for as long as I can remember, I have had mysterious events happen to me. One of my earliest happened when I was five years old. I was playing outside with my siblings in the backyard of my house, an old, red-brick Victorian, and for some reason I yelled out, “I wanna see a ghost.” A round disk flew from the top of the house (the attic area) and blew by my face.
“Did you see that? Did you see that? It’s a UFO.” I called to my brother. He was running ahead and didn’t see it.
For years, I referred to this as “the time I saw a UFO.” In college, someone showed me a picture of a ghost orb, and I realized what I saw was not a UFO at all but a ghost. Duh! At five, I had no concept of ghosts, but I had seen UFOs on television.
In grade school, I began seeing fuzzy lights around my teachers in class. I thought I needed glasses, but after I got them, I still saw the lights, and they got bigger and brighter the older I got. In high school, I learned I had a knack for reading palms and telling fortunes. And in college, I accidentally hypnotized someone and realized I had a knack for hypnotism.
I was in demand at parties with people paying me to look at their palms or read their cards. At some point, I needed to make a choice: Did I want to pursue this talent full time as a career for money? Or did I want to pursue a different career?
I decided I didn’t want to be a paid psychic, but I couldn’t switch the talent off like a light. I call it my “hidden talent,” because I don’t make money from it, but my paranormal experiences make great material for writing romance novels.
Readers describe my books as realistic because they are set in contemporary times with the characters having hidden paranormal talent rather than being fantasy characters. If you’d like to try one of my books, CROSS WAVES, is on sale this week (June 24-July 1). For the first time since it was released in 2020, you can read this award-winning book for just $.99 cents!
Writing CROSS WAVES was a labor of love. From start to finish, it took me four years to perfect the storyline. Reviewers use phrases like, “a non-stop reading experience,” “fast-paced,” “heart-pounding,” and (my personal favorite), “I couldn’t put the book down.” The characters are fun, unexpected, and likable. The heroine possesses a dangerous talent. The hero guards a dark secret. The hero’s grandmother plays a pivotal role. And one character, Caleb Stone, who readers meet towards the end of the book, surprised even me, seeming to appear on his own without conscious thought on my part and setting the series up nicely for the yet unwritten book three, “Dream Waves.”
One recent reviewer said it best, “Cross Waves is about the power of love and the strength that comes from knowing someone believes in you and will always be in your corner.”
I hope you will give it a try: https://books2read.com/b/Crosswaves. If you do, I would love to know what you think.
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