UPDATE: The winner is…Carol Cox!
Before I dig into accomplishments and plans, I want to invite you to another website!
The Collections website is where the authors of the anthologies I curate play! We’re getting geared up for the release of our newest collection at the end of July, so in this coming month we’ll spend time introducing you to the authors! There will be contests with things to win. Click on the link to check out the site, and while you’re over there, subscribe to get the postings sent straight to your inbox so you don’t miss a thing! Delilah’s Collections Website

- I revised the fifth story of my Delta Heat series and published two of them: Twice the Bang and Once is Never Enough.
- I’ve revised the first story in the Delta Fire series, Burning Up Memphis, which will be released on July 9th!
- I continued work on Cyrus, which is presently scheduled for release on July 23rd!
- I completed 3 editing projects for other authors in June and hope to finish another today!
- I’ve been editing away on the stories that will be inside Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, coming at the end of July.
- I had a slew of doctor’s appointments and follow-up screenings. I saw my VA doctor, who thinks I’m now diabetic, barely. I have some work to do to try to reverse course. I also had a mammogram (it was clear!), a CT of my abdominal aorta (that’s a thing to get checked when you are a certain age—and no issue there), a cancer-screening with the dermatologist (no issues), a lung x-ray (I’m good to go), and bone density imaging. I officially have osteoporosis, now. 🙁
- The biggest improvement I’ve made this month is that I quit smoking. Cold turkey.
- I did not pay attention to what I put in my mouth. *Sigh*
- June was busy for family activities. When I had appointments in the city, we took advantage with shopping sprees and meals out. We’ve had movie nights at home and special meals where everyone participated in the food prep. We are loving our new Blackstone grill.
- The pool is still giving us fits. Every chemical known to mankind has been tossed at it, but we still have issue with phosphates and cloudiness.
- I finished the #the100dayproject art challenge!
- Here are some examples of art projects I completed in June:

Is that not a yummy array of covers?!
For work-related, I plan:
- To complete writing Cyrus, the first of my new MBH in Yellowstone series, and which I will release on July 23rd!
- To complete editing the stories for the upcoming collection—Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology! Plus, get the anthology assembled, formatted and ready for publication on July 30th!
- To revise the first two books in my erotic romance series, Delta Fire. I’ll republish two of the stories in July: Burning up Memphis and Hotter with a Pole.
- To complete 3 editing projects in July!
For health related, I plan:
- To exercise. Still not certain the pool will be under control. But I will walk (counting steps) and make use of my recumbent bike.
- To start back on my Weight Watchers diet, because it’s time to get serious! (I say this every month, but I really, really have to do it!)
- To reduce salt and processed food, and incorporate foods good for blood pressure (spinach, broccoli, bananas) and my liver (apple cider vinegar, flax seeds, sunflower seeds).
- To take my BP every day and log it!
- To schedule the last of the health-related appointments I need to wrap up: Eye exam and dental exam.
For happiness-related, I plan:
- To fiddle in my art room!
- To spend time with the family—movies, flea market adventures, and pool (hopefully)!
Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier, or tell me what you plan to read in July…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!