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Archive for July 15th, 2024

Gabbi Grey: Avoiding the Middle Book Slump (Contest)
Monday, July 15th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Flchen!

Hello Delilah!  Thank you for inviting me here to share news of my new release!  Cole’s Reckoning is the second book in my Bonded By Love trilogy, and I’m thrilled to tell your readers all about it!

Initially, this trilogy began as one book—Caressa’s Homecoming. Pretty early on, though, I realized I couldn’t tell Caressa, Cole, and Michael’s story in just one book.  The best friends-to-lovers story deserved more than that.  The three grew up in horrific poverty and came from abusive homes.  Their lives diverged in huge ways—and Caressa suffered more trauma.  Trauma she never shared with her best friends.  Because of some of that, she went overseas as a nurse to volunteer with Médecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders).  She came back to Canada even more traumatized.

Her best friends saw that.  And Michael was there first—to both comfort and to admit his feelings had changed for her.  In turn, she realized her feelings for him had deepened as well.  Friends-to-lovers is a tricky trope.  The evolution has to feel like it works—like the progression is natural and was always meant to be.  I tried to portray it as accurately as I could.

Cole, however, didn’t want to be left behind.  Because when Caressa left, he realized he loved both his best friends.  He’s bisexual (although in the closet about his dalliances with men).  Michael’s straight. This set up an interesting dynamic for me to work with.  Oh, and Cole’s into BDSM—something Caressa and Michael know nothing about.  Caressa’s Homecoming ends with Caressa having discovered Cole’s dungeon and confronting Cole…after he and Michael have exchanged some pretty steamy kisses.

This second book was a challenge for me.  I needed a pivot point.  Something that would push their relationship along.  Something that wasn’t artificial.  I realized early on what that would be.  I wrote the story and then sent it out to my editor and proofreaders—asking them to read the story blind—without having read the synopsis.  All three admitted they didn’t see the twist coming.  All three admitted it made sense and, as I’d hoped, deepened the dynamic of the relationship between the members of the triad.

I’m excited to release the book because I’m hoping readers will enjoy the twist.  Will find the book isn’t the saggy middle novel of a trilogy—which can sometimes happen.  Often, readers read a trilogy and think, “That could’ve been two books instead of three.”  Now, I have a different throuple for my conclusion—so stay tuned.

Thank you, Delilah, for hosting me.  I love sharing my books, especially the ones that pushed me.  MMF definitely does that!  I’d love to give away a $5 Amazon Gift Card to a commenter chosen by random.  Have you ever read a good menage book?  One that stuck with you?  If not, is it something you would consider, or are you happy with just a couple? Let me know and you might win!

Cole’s Reckoning

Three inseparable friends—now three insatiable lovers?

Actor Cole Hamilton has finally convinced the two people he loves most in the world, Caressa Klein and Michael Dubois, to move in, join him in a throuple relationship, and set his bed on fire. But he fears his secrets—his real self—will drive them away.

Michael is stressed by his latest engineering project, but his two best friends turned hot lovers worry him more. Cole is too reckless, and Caressa keeps him guessing.

Caressa adores her two sexy men, but her past and tragedies in her nursing profession haunt her.

Can their love and friendship survive secrecy and the reopening of old wounds?

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About Gabbi Grey

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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