Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Caviar and Frogs…whuuutt? (Contest)
Thursday, July 18th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Amy Fendley!

Today is one of those days when I have no plan for what I’m going to talk about. Some may wonder, why bother? But I have a ready answer. Yes, my blog is my way of connecting with people, hopefully readers, but in the end, friends. I’m a solitary person by nature. Yes, I spent years in the Army, years in the corporate world, I taught, I worked at a non-prof. All those jobs required me to interact with enthusiasm with people. And I do like…people. However, I really, really, really like my mole hole office with my big white screen that’s empty until I fill it with words. Sometimes, I know, I’m talking to myself, but the act of opening a screen and just letting my fingers connect to my brain without much interference from me is my therapy and my way of priming the pump before I start to write. *takes a deep breath because those were a lot of words to simply say I like my solitude*

So, the daily habit of opening my blog each day is part of my writing habit. Wow, I could’ve just started with that, right?

I usually have some notes about what I want to do, a place to start. I didn’t do that for today. I just visited one of my favorite idea-generating websites, “Fun Holidays,” but today’s “Caviar Day” didn’t generate any thoughts except for a memory of my one and only trip to Russia shortly after The Wall fell. The group of U.S. tourists I was with were served caviar and champagne at every meal—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And wouldn’t you know it, the only person in our 10-person cohort who loved caviar was me. So, every meal, they’d send their little plate of caviar down the table for me to gorge on as much as I could manage to eat. I can only imagine the hundreds of dollars I scraped onto my plate every meal. And I prefer red to black caviar by the way because it’s generally larger and you can press it against the roof of your mouth and make it pop.

But that’s not enough for a blog and not all that interesting, right?

So I went to my favorite photo site and typed in random words, starting with “cringe” thinking I could generate something from a picture. Nope. I eventually typed in “animals” and found this picture.

He’s so cute. Which reminded me I’m the frog whisperer of the house. We live in the country, and while letting dogs out to do their business, bugs and little critters can find their way inside. If it’s a bug, we yell for the 15-year-old because she loves to prove she’s braver than anyone else in the house. When it comes to repatriating frogs or toads back into the wild, they call me, because I don’t mind picking them up, no matter how slimy or bumpy they are. I love them. In fact, just last night, I rescued a tiny, 1-inch-long baby toad and was able to catch his fast little self before he hid under something.

But I’m rambling again, and I’ve written enough about nothing at all, right? My fingers and my mind are all limbered up, ready to tackle The End of my story. So, how can I make this about you and not me?

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you’re a fan of caviar or frogs? Do you have a personal story to share?

14 comments to “Caviar and Frogs…whuuutt? (Contest)”

  1. Debra Guyette
    · July 18th, 2024 at 6:48 am · Link

    I have tried caviar and am not a fan. It was too salty. I do, however, like frogs. I even like the venomous kind but not where they can touch me.

  2. Steph
    · July 18th, 2024 at 7:50 am · Link

    I’ll take the frog 🥰😁

  3. Taylor R. Williams
    · July 18th, 2024 at 8:05 am · Link

    Don’t like caviar, love frogs, love your blog

  4. Amy Fendley
    · July 18th, 2024 at 9:45 am · Link

    I have never had caviar. I don’t think I would like it very much. The same with Champagne, just not my style. I love frogs. Back when I had a pool, I didn’t mind getting the frogs out….now snakes, that is a different set of rules.

  5. Pansy Petal
    · July 18th, 2024 at 11:50 am · Link

    I have tried Caviar. I wasn’t impressed, but neither was I discussed. As for frogs . . . This is a cute picture. Reminds me I love frog legs. My father introduced me to that treat. Where I grew up it was often included on the Friday night fish fry menus. We had it often. Can’t find it so easily these days, but still a favorite, if I can find it. As for your babbling about nothing, in case you may, or may not have noticed, that is a skill I also have. 😀

  6. Colleen C.
    · July 18th, 2024 at 1:30 pm · Link

    caviar never tried it… don’t want to…. frogs, I like them… 🙂

  7. Diane Sallans
    · July 18th, 2024 at 6:41 pm · Link

    I’ll pass on the cavier, tho if there’s a little bit on an interesting looking canape I might try it; frogs are cute, but I don’t particularly want to hold one

  8. Beverly
    · July 18th, 2024 at 7:35 pm · Link

    Never had caviar & don’t have any need to try it. I’m not a real fan of frogs either…don’t need them to make my day.

  9. Mary Preston
    · July 18th, 2024 at 9:06 pm · Link

    I doubt that I would like caviar. Just does not appeal. Frogs in the wild I like.

  10. flchen
    · July 18th, 2024 at 11:32 pm · Link

    I am okay with the tiny little roe that is sometimes served with sushi, but I’m not a big fan of caviar. As for frogs, I haven’t too much experience with them. The youngest recently went away with friends, and when they went swimming, was shocked when a frog landed on his shoulder, LOL! There may or may not have been shrieking involved…

  11. BN
    · July 19th, 2024 at 12:25 am · Link


  12. Beckie
    · July 19th, 2024 at 9:48 pm · Link

    Never had caviar. But I’m good at catching frogs, tadpoles, toads etc. I’ve done it since I was a kid on the lake.

  13. kerry pruett
    · July 21st, 2024 at 8:23 am · Link

    I have never tried caviar and I love frog legs but don’t like frogs. I am scared of frogs.

  14. Jennifer Beyer
    · July 22nd, 2024 at 8:06 pm · Link

    I love frogs! They are so cool and so diverse. The fact that some of them are super poisonous is so cool!

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