Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for August 4th, 2024

Report Card & Open Contests
Sunday, August 4th, 2024

This past week was basically all about keeping things together. Soldiering on. The busier I am, the stronger and more positive I feel. Lots happened last week, and this next week will be another rollercoaster.

Report Card

Last week…

  1. I celebrated and promoted the release of Secret Identities anthology! I hope you all picked up your copies! There’s something for everyone inside that volume!
  2. I worked on edits for one author.
  3. I revamped my release schedule so that my book, Built Like Mack, is pushed off to September. Sorry, I know some of you were looking forward to it, but I’m not in the headspace at the moment.
  4. I swam every day for the first part of the week. The next two items describe why that happened… 🙁
  5. I went to the doctor for abdominal pain on Monday, thinking maybe it was my gallbladder or appendix. I wish. I was sent for a CT scan immediately and afterward was scheduled right away to see an oncologist.
  6. My daughter and the girls returned from their vacation in Virginia with the flu and promptly gave me the bug, too.

This next week…

  1. I see the oncologist on Monday. I’m sure he’ll schedule a biopsy and we’ll go from there. I hate waiting. That’s the worst part. I like action, solve it, figure out what I have to fight. Or maybe, it’s something other than cancer (I can hope).
  2. I will finish editing one author’s manuscript and begin editing the next one in line.
  3. I’ll work on finishing the next Delta Fire novella, Ignition. I only have a couple of chapters to write, and I think I can get through it while I wait for whatever procedures I will be going through.
  4. I’ll continue swimming and trying to watch what I eat, although I am finding it hard not to want to eat my favorite things!
  5. I’ll continue working on some small art projects while I declutter my art room.

Open Contests

On the Delilah’s Collections website!

  1. GETTING TO KNOW N.J. WALTERS (CONTEST) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. GETTING TO KNOW M. JAYNE (CONTEST) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. GETTING TO KNOW GABBI GREY (CONTEST) — Last Day to enter! Win a FREE book!
  4. In One Picture: Michal Scott’s “My Heavenly Phantom” (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win a FREE book!

Here, on this site!

  1. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: While the cat’s away… — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. July into August (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Gabbi Grey: What a Difference Seven Years Makes (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Cecilia Tan: A Recipe for Steamy, Steamy Steampunk (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Cottagecore Aesthetic/Trad Wife…? — Win an Amazon gift card!