Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for August 9th, 2024

Just a flower…
Friday, August 9th, 2024

I posted the next “In One Picture” blog on the Collections website, and then had to open a blank white screen for my blog. I don’t have anything to talk about today. I’ll be doing some editing, maybe take care of some administrivia, resting when my body tells me to, eating when I get hungry. Nothing ambitious for sure.

I wish everyone good health, happiness, and the love of family and friends—I say this as the 10-year-old lets out an enraged scream somewhere upstairs. I can tell a “help, I’m hurt” scream from one of her frustrated, louder screams. I’m ignoring it because mama is up there and can handle it. It’s the last week of summer for the kids. They should be chillin’ and making the most of it. Youth is wasted on the young. LOL

So, here’s a pretty blue flower for you. I looked for a calming image, something I wish I could sniff. The flowers in our yard, other than the evening primroses that bloom at the end of day, are gone for the most part, dried up by the heat. Leaves are raining down like it’s Fall because it’s so hot and dry. The one good thing is the heat is keeping the pool warm. I’ll swim after the sun is behind the trees this evening. By swim, I mean ride a pool noodle as I bob around the pool. Again, no ambition, just chillin’.

Have a lovely day, everyone!