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Archive for August 12th, 2024

Monday is my favorite day of the week! (Contest)
Monday, August 12th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Beckie!

I’m one of those people. I love Mondays. Monday, not Sunday, is the start of my work week calendar. It’s always a day filled with optimism. I have a countdown of items on my calendar/To-Do list and strive to accomplish as many of those items as I can during the week.

Some folks hate Mondays. The kids, once school starts, will bemoan every single Monday until the following summer. It’s a given. Even as a school kid, I loved Mondays, though. I always had my notebook cleaned out, fresh paper added, pens and pencils refilled/sharpened. I loved a weekly “fresh start” to make things better.

This week, on Wednesday, the kids will be back in school. It’s going to be hard adjusting to those early morning wakeups again, the scrambling to get the animals taken care of before everyone heads to the car. We’re good organizers, though. We manage to get everything down to a tight routine so there’s time for everything–chickens fed and released from the coop, goats and horse fed, bunnies fed and water replenished. Breakfast out of the way. Girls’ hair prettied up and outfits sparkling. Then there’s the silence when they race to the car for the trip to school. That’s my time to take a deep breath, drink a cup of coffee, and wander over to my computer to begin my day.

This Monday is a bit different. I begin a low-carb diet for the next couple of days before my PET scan tomorrow afternoon/early evening. The 20-year-old has promised me sticky notes all over the kitchen, with messages to prod me into behaving. Things like: “Only meat and veggies on Monday and Tuesday.” “No coffee past 4 P.M. on Monday.” “No food at all past 10 A.M. on Tuesday!” There are too many rules for me to follow on my own to make sure my PET scan is as accurately recorded as it can be, so they (my dd and the 20-year-old) decided to sticky-up the kitchen for me. It’s so funny, actually.

I’m hoping next Monday’s only worry is making sure all the alarms are set to get us out of bed for the morning school scramble. I like the normal hubbub. Tomorrow’s is…unsettling, but we’ll get past it.

So, that’s my bit of oversharing for the day. Let’s get to the contest!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what your favorite day of the week is and why!