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Elizabeth Andrews: Changing Seasons (Giveaway)
Friday, August 16th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary McCoy!

Hello, everyone! I want to start by thanking Delilah for letting me come play here again. I always enjoy hanging out with all of you.

If your summer has been anything like ours, it’s been ungodly hot pretty much from the start. Summer isn’t my favorite season, though I do love all the fresh fruits and veggies. When I was a kid, I didn’t mind summer—of course, it was school break, so we had long days to play, and it wasn’t this hot then either. My birthday is even mid-summer, so you’d think a summer baby might enjoy their season more.  I just find it harder every year to tolerate the heat and humidity we have here in southern Pennsylvania (I know it’s much worse as you go south from here), so my outdoor activities are severely limited once we get to steady summertime weather. I wish I’d kept track from the start of how many 90 and 100-degree-plus days we’ve had—I bet it would be a long list this year. I’ll be thrilled to see it end—no more walking outside to grab the mail and coming back inside forty seconds later dripping sweat. I’m ready for days cool enough to spend time outside with a good book, pretty colors on the trees, and cool nights around the firepit. And after that, winter, at least in theory; it’s been more than a few years since we had a good snowstorm in my neck of the woods. And I love spring, all the flowers waking up, the trees sprouting new leaves after their rest…though spring seems shorter as summer starts sooner every year.

I found some relief from our actual summer, though, with both my reading and writing—when you get lost in a good story, it’s easy to imagine yourself in that place and time, so when it’s sweltering where you are, why not pull out a book set during a blizzard, or if you’re freezing, a hot romance set in a tropical locale? I recently finished reading a holiday story with lots of snow that made me way less unhappy about our weather for a few hours while I lived in the winter with the characters as they fell in love. One of the stories I’m writing at the moment is set during late fall-early winter, so lots of chilly days there that need hot cocoa or cozy sweaters—at least in my head; I doubt I’d want to do that even with our frosty a/c running. (The one story I really should be finishing, though, is a summer story, the third and final book in my Medusa’s Daughters Trilogy, and they’re headed for an even hotter destination than where we are.)

Am I the only one who likes to visit another season this way? What is your very favorite season and why? If you share your response here in the comments, I’ll do a drawing this Sunday, 8/18/24 after 12 noon for one of my eBooks (winner’s choice!).

12 comments to “Elizabeth Andrews: Changing Seasons (Giveaway)”

  1. Mary McCoy
    · August 16th, 2024 at 10:30 am · Link

    My favorite season is spring, when it feels like everything is new and hopeful and green again after a long Wisconsin winter. When it gets too hot or humid I love to read Christmas books.

  2. Colleen C.
    · August 16th, 2024 at 1:12 pm · Link

    I love Fall… the cooler weather, the colors, Halloween, apples and pumpkins… 🙂

  3. Elizabeth Andrews
    · August 16th, 2024 at 3:32 pm · Link

    I love spring, too, Mary, but I’m always torn about whether spring or fall is my very favorite. lol In my neck of the woods today, it’s 90+ again, so it’s a good day for a nice holiday or blizzard romance. 😉

  4. Elizabeth Andrews
    · August 16th, 2024 at 3:33 pm · Link

    I do love fall, too, Colleen, and I really am ready for it. Our summer’s been brutal here in PA. I love when the high temp for the day is in the low 60s, clear blue sky, and the trees are changing colors. <3

  5. Beckie
    · August 16th, 2024 at 4:16 pm · Link

    My favorite seasons in order:
    Spring, fall, winter, summer.

    I love reading about seasonal things out of order. Depending on my mood. Thanks for the chance.

  6. Elizabeth Andrews
    · August 16th, 2024 at 8:50 pm · Link

    Your order is probably the same as mine, except I still think for me spring and fall are equal. lol At least until I’m in one or the other and think ‘nope, this is the one’. 🙂

  7. BN
    · August 17th, 2024 at 12:45 am · Link

    Spring for flowers

  8. Debra Guyette
    · August 17th, 2024 at 6:42 am · Link

    I like spring and fall due to the changes going on.

  9. Elizabeth Andrews
    · August 17th, 2024 at 3:31 pm · Link

    Oh, BN, I love the flowers in the spring! My favorites are tulips. So happy. <3

  10. Elizabeth Andrews
    · August 17th, 2024 at 3:31 pm · Link

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes those equally, Debra. lol

  11. Elizabeth Andrews
    · August 18th, 2024 at 3:05 pm · Link

    Hi, everyone!

    Just back from, and the winner of the ebook is Mary McCoy! Congratulations! Please email me, Mary, at elizabethandrewswrites @ gmail .com (without the spaces) so I can get you your choice of one of my ebooks.

    And thank you, everybody, for chatting with me, and especially to Delilah for having me again!

  12. Delilah
    · August 25th, 2024 at 8:47 am · Link

    Congrats to Mary!! And thank you so much, Elizabeth, for a fun visit!

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