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Archive for August 17th, 2024

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Another Power Outage
Saturday, August 17th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…ELF!

I had a late start today. At 1:23 this morning, our power went out. Again. I live in a rural area, and our power is provided by above-ground poles. So, we have pretty frequent outages that can last hours or days, depending on whether the source is a downed tree or a transformer. I didn’t get much sleep because the house got stuffy, and I like the sound of fans running while I sleep—have to have that white noise. My SIL got the generator running so we could at least keep the food in the refrigerator from spoiling. It’s 8:47 now, and we’re finally back up and running. I’m likely going to be napping in between spurts of editing today. I hope you all had a better start to your weekend!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle and tell me whether this is something you face frequently. Plus, if you have suggestion for how to prepare for outages, let everyone know!