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Archive for August 22nd, 2024

N.J. Walters: Cover Reveal — TEMPTING THE BLACK WOLF (Excerpt)
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

I’m excited about my final book in my Lone Wolf Legacy series. Tempting the Black Wolf is releasing on September 9th, and I want to share my new cover.


Onyx eased over to the wall, putting her back to it. Menace swept across the space to engulf them all. Since his attention was on the other three, she began to inch her way to the entryway.

His head snapped around, dark eyes pinning her in place. “Going somewhere?”

“Thought I’d pop around the corner for a mocha latte while you conducted business.” His lips twitched but he didn’t smile. That would ruin the whole dangerous vibe he had going on. Still, she held her breath and hoped.

He removed his coat and held it out to her. It was automatic for her to take it. “Hold this and be good for five minutes.” Turning back around, he dismissed her.

Be good! Be good! She should kick his ass. And she would if she thought she’d actually succeed. She fisted the leather fabric tighter. It would serve him right if she stomped his coat into the dirt, but that would be an insult to such a gorgeous piece of clothing. The scent of leather and male surrounded her. Desire licked over her skin. The man was insufferable. He was also handsome and smart and the key to her freedom. If she didn’t need him, she’d leave.

Pre-order your copy of Tempting the Black Wolf.

Who are the lone wolves?

Since the rise of the werewolf, there has always existed a single lone wolf—with pure white, gray, or black fur and eyes that match—who answers to no alpha, belongs to no pack. Merciless and deadly, he wanders the world, both judge and executioner of rogue wolves who senselessly kill, endangering all their kind.

When one dies, another takes its place, awakening to his purpose the first time he shifts to his wolf form. Known by the sign of the lone wolf—a sickle over the heart—the short-handled, circular blade remains as a tattoo on the man and as a mark on the wolf. A lethal combination of intelligence, brutal strength, and keen instinct, he walks a lonely path, shunned by pack, always alone.

For the first time, there are three in the world—white, gray, and black—who all bear the mark on their chests. No one knows why, least of all them…

Taming the White Wolf and Protecting the Gray Wolf are available.

Series Link:

About the Author

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, assassins, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

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