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Archive for August 23rd, 2024

10 Things to Bring to Chemo (Contest)
Friday, August 23rd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Tianna Toups!

This is the sky right now (my dd took the picture). The clouds look like a pretty, cottony, baby-blue blanket, although the forecast is for heat and sunny skies today. Thought I’d share since I haven’t seen clouds like that covering the entire sky before. 🙂

Just to catch you up… I start chemo on Monday. I had hoped to get a port installed this week, but it didn’t happen. So, I’ll get my chemo on my arm, which I hope doesn’t interfere too much with me using my hands. I had a call yesterday from the nurse at the cancer center to go over what I should expect to happen during and after my chemo.

  • The drugs they give me to help my body tolerate the treatment.
  • Side effects.
  • How shitty I’ll feel afterward and for how long—basically for 5 or 6 days following treatment.
  • How soon my hair will start falling out—perhaps as soon as 2 weeks.
  • The blood draws I have to have Thursdays before my Monday treatments to see how my white blood cells are doing.
  • Drink tons of water/juice/sprite to keep hydrated because that’s a real concern.
  • It looks like chemo will continue into December, once every three weeks, followed by immunotherapy every 42 days after.

Hopefully, I’ll respond well to everything. She didn’t say it, but you all have said that attitude is everything. I’m ready to kick ass. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions of what to pack for my first chemo treatment on Monday. I’ve settled on…

  1. 🧦 — socks, fuzzy ones
  2. 🛏️ — I couldn’t find a blanket emoji!
  3. 🎧 — my dd ordered me a pair to use with my iPhone
  4. 📱 — my iPhone
  5. 📚 — a paperback book in case the Wi-Fi sucks
  6. 📔 — a notebook with good paper that I can write in or draw/paint
  7. ✏️ — pencil for sketching
  8. 🖊️ — pen for writing (I hate putting thoughts down in something erasable!)
  9. 🎨 — a tiny portable paint palette with a water-brush
  10. 🥙 — food

Maybe I’ll add one of the 11-year-old’s Squishmallows to use as a pillow. For sure, I’m going to wear a superhero T-shirt.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, what snacks should I pack?