Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for September 13th, 2024

Tell me a story: Sweet dreams are made of these… (Contest)
Friday, September 13th, 2024

That song by the Eurythmics is playing in my head this morning. I awoke at 4 A.M. but felt refreshed. When I drifted off before 10 last night, I was still floating on a little leftover fentanyl, was lifted a bit by the hydrocodone I took to ease the itchy ache of the new CHEMO PORT sitting just under my skin on the right side of my chest, and was assisted by the kick of the melatonin I took. I was determined my sleep would indeed be sweet and deep.

With sleep, all things feel possible. Without it, I’ve discovered, I can actually dip into depression—something I’ve never really experienced before—and I don’t like it. It changes me. So, I am looking at planning for better sleep come chemo week (next week).

So, with sleep in mind, here’s today’s challenge! See the pretty watercolor below? (Wish it was mine!) For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, what helps you get a great night’s sleep? Or, tell me what she’s dreaming about…