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Archive for September 19th, 2024

Just a quick update and a Word Puzzle! (Contest)
Thursday, September 19th, 2024

Just popping in to say hi! This is chemo week, so I’m keeping it lowkey. Monday was boring, but not awful, waiting six hours for all the medicine to flow through my brand-new port into my body. The aftereffects started like they did the last time with the “chemo flush” (red face and neck) Tuesday afternoon. I took Pepcid and Benadryl to combat the reaction. In the middle of the night, the muscle and joint aches began. This time it wasn’t as bad because I have new medicine to help me sleep through some of it. Rest is key! Today, the aches continue, but I expect them to abate later tonight and for every day going forward to be a little better. There is a rhythm.

Unlike my last chemo week, I have been able to get some work done, in spurts. I’m happy about that. And I’ve spent more time with family rather than holed up in bed. I’m not comfortable, but I do find happiness in just listening to their noise and joy. My family is loud and boisterous, and it’s impossible not to enjoy and soak up the energy.

Trying to find a theme for today’s puzzle was tough until I glanced around my desk and realized I have seven candles scattered around the top of it. There are more in my bedroom. Most have floral or fruity scents. My daughter likes the ones that smell like baked goods. The 20-year-old likes fresh, grassy scents. Everyone likes different scents whether it’s a candle, a cleanser, or just the smell of fresh-cut grass… But let’s go with candle scents today for a theme. I don’t want to think too much. LOL

Solve the puzzle for a chance to exercise your gray matter, then tell me what sorts of scents you like in your home for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card.