Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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What does this mean to you? (Contest)
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

Clothing and courage have much to do with each other. ~ Sara Jeannette Duncan

I’m a quotes girl. I love affirmations and pithy sayings. I collect books of them. Every now and then, I open one to a random page, seeking inspiration. I opened one of the books to a random page today. This quote, I didn’t understand at first glance.

So, I looked up Sara JD. She was a female journalist in the late 1800s. Then she wrote popular novels that often contained bits about politics and societal norms, so maybe the quote meant something to her in her journey toward self-fulfillment as a writer and observer moving around in a more privileged set.

I read the quote and think about how my attitude toward clothing has changed for me. I had very little fashion courage as a grown woman. I dressed according to trends when in public. Being in the military for so long, wearing uniforms, took any fashion decisions away from me, and I really didn’t mind one bit. When I entered the corporate and academic worlds, I dressed according to those norms.

Not until I became an author did I dress a bit more flamboyantly—but only sparingly, mostly at conferences—because I grew used to being out of the public eye for long stints and dressed for comfort when at home.

These days, comfort is the only priority for me. At home, I wear loose, soft nightgowns. I want nothing cinching my waist where I imagine (perhaps) I can feel the cancer crowding my organs. When I go out, mostly to medical appointments, I wear the loosest shorts or joggers, usually in a size too large, so that I can pull the stretch waistband high above those organs. When I go to chemo appointments, I know I’ll be there for hours and hours, so it’s joggers and a spaghetti-strapped tank to give the medical personnel easy access to my port. I add a zip-up hoodie. And, of course, I add a pop of color—the loudest, most attention-grabbing chemo turban I have. It’s a middle finger to my cancer and to anyone who looks with pity at my bald head. I don’t need pity; I’d rather get a smile.

So, back to the quote. Does it mean something to you? Comment for a chance to win your choice of a download of any one of my books. 

4 comments to “What does this mean to you? (Contest)”

  1. Laura Bowles
    · September 24th, 2024 at 9:18 am · Link

    To me it means that you wear the clothing you feel the best in to give you the most courage. For a job interview you will wear what you feel best and most confident in. For social activities you will wear what you fill the most comfortable in especially if you are going into something where you may not know a lot of people.

    I’m work my clothes were a uniform. But under my clothes it was what I felt the sexiest in. When I went out pryer to marriage I always dressed in what made me feel the sexiest in. Now I wear what makes me comfortable. I don’t go out much. I started wearing close for comfort after having my son. After leaving my ex I wore and still wear clothes that make me comfortable, but a little sexier. I don’t care what others think. I dress to please my self.

  2. Debra Guyette
    · September 24th, 2024 at 9:31 am · Link

    I dress to hide. And hope no one notices me.

  3. Pansy Petal
    · September 24th, 2024 at 10:54 am · Link

    This quote reminds me of another, “Dress for success.” Or how you want the world to see you. OR, as in our case, what makes us comfortable. The courage part comes in not caring about how the world sees you. Or being the trend setter. (Unknowingly did that in high school.) I prefer to dress how I want, no matter the trends. These days, that means total comfort. Not too tight, baggy even. Loose and easy to move in. And bright colors that make me happy! I dress for me, not anyone else. It takes courage not to conform. Look at that picture. She is wearing business wear. Boring. But underneath is that hot pink shirt. Removing the excepted white blouse exposing the hot pink takes courage, heroism even, as the cape denotes. It’s all about, be yourself!

  4. Colleen C.
    · September 24th, 2024 at 12:56 pm · Link

    I dress for comfort…

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