Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for September 30th, 2024

September into October (Contest)
Monday, September 30th, 2024

I’m back with my monthly wrap-up/projections. I skipped it last month because I was feeling a little…adrift. I wasn’t certain about my future. I’m still not, but I’m plowing ahead—maybe not at full speed, but I do have goals I intend to meet. I’m a writer and an editor, and to make that claim I have to write and edit. So…no more lollygagging.


Once Upon a Legend 

  1. I revised and published my standalone Western story, Once Upon a Legend!
  2. I had to cancel the release of Ignition because I haven’t written a word since July!
  3. I completed 3 editing projects for other authors in September.
  4. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but each of those things felt like mountains I climbed.


  1. I underwent my second round of chemo and noted how I felt during the days after so I could try to figure out how to work around the chemo schedule. The fatigue is the worst part. The aches only last a few days. My white blood count takes a beating, so I don’t leave home much, but I wear a mask when I do because everyone has sniffles, coughs, etc., and I’m not catching that shit, too. 🙂
  2. While going through all this, I have been paying attention to what I eat, and since the beginning of July when I started losing weight, I’ve dropped 20 pounds.
  3. I’m losing muscle tone, too, though. So, I know I need to add some sort of exercise to my schedule on days when I can get around.


  1. The family plans movie nights or special dinners to keep me entertained. They’re so sweet! The younger girls find tons of excuses to hang out with me. We listen to music and the youngest loves watching the news or Reba. The middle girl just likes to park herself on the bed with me while we both game on our phones. It’s not anything exciting, but I love the company.
  2. I moved some art supplies to my desk so that I see them sitting there, and lo and behold, I managed to paint a few things this month.  Here are a few examples:


  Ignition The Demon Lord's Cloak
For work-related, I plan:

  1. To complete Ignition, the fourth book in the Delta Fire series. I only have two or three chapters left, and I’ve put it on my schedule but left it kind of vague so I know to write when my head’s in the right place.  If I can, I’ll have a November release.
  2. To complete 3 or 4 editing projects in October!
  3. To revise, format, and upload The Demon Lord’s Cloak for its release in November.

For health related, I plan:

  1. To go through two more rounds of chemo, which when I look at my calendar seems overwhelming, but I’ll get through it.
  2. To continue to watch what I eat and hope I can manage to drop a few more pounds.
  3. To up my physical activities so that I don’t lose any more muscle. Maybe I’ll give myself stairstep goals or walk the driveway to the gate and back goals—on days when I’m not sick as a dog.

For happiness-related, I plan: 

  1. To fiddle in my art room!
  2. To spend time with the family—movies, meals, and flea market adventures! I’m not overly ambitious.


Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier, or tell me what you plan to read in October

Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!