Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for October, 2024

Gabby Grey: Dedications (Contest)
Friday, October 4th, 2024

Hello Delilah!  Thank you for welcoming me back to discuss my new book, Grindstone’s Edge. The book is part of the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2024 series.  My band, Grindstone, attended last year, and readers got guitarist Ed’s story.  This year?  Lead singer Axel gets his happy ending.  I love writing these books and feeling like part of a community of writers.  I especially love cover reveal day.  It’s right up there with release day for each book.  I invite readers to head on over to catch the amazing covers!

So…dedications.  Last year I found out my favorite high school teacher had cancer.  I procrastinated about writing him, always feeling I didn’t have the right words.  So, I finally found the courage to do it, and the letter arrived the week after he died, and his widow had to deal with it.  I don’t know if it brought her comfort or if it was just another burden in a long list of things we have to do when a loved one passes.  She did reach out—very generously—and thanked me for the letter.  I asked her if I could dedicate Grindstone’s Edge to him.  She graciously agreed.  And so, I have.  The book isn’t about my high school teacher exactly, but about the influence people can have in our lives and the impact their coming back into our lives might have.

Dedications are tricky things.  For some authors, the things aren’t necessary.  They thank everyone in the acknowledgments at the end of the book.  For me, from my first story, I’ve treasured dedications as a way to show my gratitude.  Sometimes, I just thank someone for being in my life, and other times, I thank them for the help they provided on a particular book.  I’ve frequently found myself thanking beta readers, proofreaders, editors, and plot whisperers.  Often, it’s the same people over and over.  That might sound like it gets boring.  To me, it never does.  I want to thank my team.  My supporters.  The people without whom there would be no book.

And so, I keep writing.  Thanking.  Being grateful.

Thanks so much for inviting me here today, Delilah.  I’d love to give out a prize!

Everyone who leaves a comment has a chance to win an ecopy of my Rocktoberfest 2023 book, Axe to Grind.  Just let me know—if you wrote a book, who might you dedicate it to?  Random will pick the winner. Good luck!

Grindstone’s Edge


Last year, my band, Grindstone, hit the stage at Rocktoberfest, our big break at last. But in the middle of that triumph, my love life crashed into disaster. I’ve been in love with Hugo Threadgold for years, but he was once my high school music teacher, so I figured he was off-limits. Then, in Black Rock, I discovered he was aware of me too, and for a moment I thought I’d get it all. I came clean about my feelings, but my heart cracked when Hugo turned and walked away. I’m not giving up, though. I’m ready to lose my straight-guy image for him, if only I can make him believe in us.


Ten years ago, Axel and his best friend, Ed, were my most promising students. I taught them everything I could about music, and watched them struggle to become the musicians they are today. But boys become men, and last October in Nevada, Axel told me he’d developed romantic feelings for me. I was rattled. I’d never let myself look at him that way. Now that he’s put the idea in my head, I can’t get him out of my mind. The man he’s become is someone strong and talented, determined and attractive. Someone I could fall for. But isn’t it my duty to keep things professional and walk away from the man who tempts me as no one else ever has?

Grindstone’s Edge is a book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2024 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see what antics our bands get into next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for. Kick back, load up your kindle and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

Amazon US:
Universal Book Link:

Link for Original song “A Different Life” by ZebF:

About Gabbi Grey

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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Word Search: Crafts you might enjoy… (Contest)
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

Hello there! I’m up bright and early. My dd left to take the girls to school. The house is quiet. The dogs are walked. My cat woke up long enough to yowl a couple of times to remind me to fill her bowl, but now she’s back, lying on the bunched-up blanket I have on my bed just for her. Tessa is around 15 years old and likes her sleepy times.

I’m ready for work. I find if I start early, I can last until noon-ish. So long as I move from one item on my To Do list to the next, I can have a productive day’s work completed by then. So, nose to the grindstone—after the puzzle, that is! 🙂

I’ve been contemplating some craft projects I’d like to tackle. It’s Fall, and my dd wants me to paint a small shelfie-painting for her Halloween decorations. Since I needed a topic for the next Word Search, I thought it would be fun to find out what you like to do.

So, solve the puzzle then let me know in the comments what sorts of crafts you enjoy or would like to try for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Enjoy the puzzle!

Happy International Coffee Day! (Contest)
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

It’s not an official holiday, but it’s one I can get behind! I looooove coffee. When I was younger, I drank it all day long. Black. No sugar. All day long. These days, I have to keep it to two cups in the morning or I wreck my ability to fall asleep at night. My mornings, though, are always super-charged by the mighty coffee bean.

I know there are folks who detest the taste. Not something I understand. I drank from a large community urn when I was in the military. You were lucky in the morning to get a fresh, aromatic cup. By late afternoon, it was sludge, but I still poured a cup of ambition.

Coffee is more than a drink. It’s a ritual—for me, anyway. I have my first cup sitting with my daughter as the kids scurry to get ready for school. I carry the second cup to my desk to begin work for the day. I set it on that old cup warmer at the corner of my desk and drink it, one sip at a time, while I check my To Do list, begin my blog—and I’m off. I love this particular cup. The kids gave it to me one Christmas as a joke, a gentle funny dig because…guess what? I’m not so silent about correcting their grammar. I have tons of writerly mugs. Tons of Grandma mugs. They all have meaning and memories. I have cups my dad used for years that I cry over whenever they break or crack. Some I glue back together and use as pen holders because I won’t consign them to the trash. I’m sure you have some of those meaningful/memory-packed cups, too.

Enough about coffee and cups, though. It’s Tuesday. The first day of the month. I have a calendar to update, bills to pay. Pages to edit. It’s time to get to work.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you’re a fan of coffee. If you are, how do you like it? Black or doctored? If there’s another beverage you prefer, tell me what it is and how you like it, too! Have a wonderful day, y’all!