Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for October 22nd, 2024

A Black Halloween Kitten (Contest)
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

I’ve talked before about our menagerie of indoor animals—cats, dogs, bunnies. When my parents passed and my daughter’s family moved in, we combined two families’ pets. We figured that through natural attrition we’d winnow down the pets.

And then yesterday happens. My daughter drove the two youngest to school and on the way home, she saw something tiny and black wobbling across the road in school traffic and very quickly stopped her car, stopped traffic and scooped up…a very tiny, dirty, scared kitten.

Meet Binx. We thought we’d get her to the vet, give her a good bath, then try to rehome her, but you know how that works. Once she was in our home, all the girls fawned over her, named her, and she’s ours.

She’s our second Halloween cat. Years ago (16 years?), I stood outside in the middle of the night to watch a rare full moon when I felt something furry weaving figure eights around my ankles. Pumpkin is still with us. Old and grumpy, but still healthy. But cats are easy, right?

We’re rejiggering what cats stay where, and Pumpkin is going to join Tessa and me downstairs. Guess I’ll need a new picture…

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you have pets and if you’ve rescued any yourself!