Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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A Black Halloween Kitten (Contest)
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

I’ve talked before about our menagerie of indoor animals—cats, dogs, bunnies. When my parents passed and my daughter’s family moved in, we combined two families’ pets. We figured that through natural attrition we’d winnow down the pets.

And then yesterday happens. My daughter drove the two youngest to school and on the way home, she saw something tiny and black wobbling across the road in school traffic and very quickly stopped her car, stopped traffic and scooped up…a very tiny, dirty, scared kitten.

Meet Binx. We thought we’d get her to the vet, give her a good bath, then try to rehome her, but you know how that works. Once she was in our home, all the girls fawned over her, named her, and she’s ours.

She’s our second Halloween cat. Years ago (16 years?), I stood outside in the middle of the night to watch a rare full moon when I felt something furry weaving figure eights around my ankles. Pumpkin is still with us. Old and grumpy, but still healthy. But cats are easy, right?

We’re rejiggering what cats stay where, and Pumpkin is going to join Tessa and me downstairs. Guess I’ll need a new picture…

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you have pets and if you’ve rescued any yourself!

18 comments to “A Black Halloween Kitten (Contest)”

  1. Laura Bowles
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 7:58 am · Link

    I have 2 dogs. I got them both from the local rescue. I got Shamie, my black Cane Corso cross a week after I moved into my new house. And Chewie I got in October 2021 as a sister to Shamie. Chewie is a Shepard cross.

    When I moved into this house from an apartment I had Ruby a beautiful Doberman that I got from the local rescue. She passed in 2020 from bloat.

  2. Becky Ward
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 8:16 am · Link

    I have pets. I’ve always had pets. Growing up I took in every stray cat, it’s a wonder my dad never got mad at me, we had over 30 cats at one time in the barn. Now I have 2 small dogs and 4 cats and 2 kittens. 3 of the cats where here at my family home when I got back here in April of 2022. I think they were cats that my older brother and sister-in-law had when they were both still alive and living there. My brother passed away in January 2022, so what animals that was here we tried to catch and take with us or find new homes for before I left and then came back.

  3. Brenda Rumsey
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 8:29 am · Link

    YES!!! A month ago while sitting at my window I heard a string of meows. When I looked outside there sat a tiny black kitten meowing her head off under my bush. Of course I went out and rescued her…couldn’t find anyone to claim her, so now I have “Dragon” along with an older cat, Rae, that I received when a friend had to move and couldn’t take her with them, and an 8 year old Alaskan Husky mix, Ahsoka, that I rescued from the pound when she was 6 months old and she rescued me right back. All are inside animals and part of the family.

  4. Dawn Roberto
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 8:31 am · Link

    I used to have a rescue cat for 15 years before she passed away. I am hoping to get another cat eventually.

  5. Shelley Russell
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 8:32 am · Link

    I have a Pekingese named Diesel who is 8 years old. He is stubborn like me lol. Sometimes I think he saved me.

  6. Gay France
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 8:45 am · Link

    I have a 9 year old black cat K2 an a slightly younger than a year old orange named Mercy who came pregnant. The kitten are Smoke and Ghost. All are rescues.

  7. Theresa Privette
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 9:19 am · Link

    I have 3 dogs, 2 German Shepherds and a Corgi. These were not rescues but I have and have no issue doing it again. We have been blessed with many wonderful additions to our family and feel pets are sometimes the only ones that do love unconditionally cause at times feels like children/spouse only want/need me when they themselves need something from me! Regardless, love them all and am blessed.

  8. Deb Brown
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 11:05 am · Link

    No pets now. Had a cocker spaniel growing up. Used to babysit our son’s dog and cats but not in several years. Cats no longer with us. Dog lives with my son. We’re in an apartment now so we no longer babysit animals. Enjoy your new kitty she looks adorable

  9. Nikki Prince
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 11:33 am · Link

    I have rescued pets. My current pets are 10-year-old Thor a Siamese male (we got him at a pet shelter with his brother). His brother Apollo unfortunately passed away this year. We also rescued a calico kitten and named her Carmilla after the female vampire because she bit me as I was cleaning her of fleas. So, we figured a great name for our little vampire baby. She was found in the middle of the street, flea and tick infested and so tiny. We got her in July, and she is getting so big. Feisty and beautiful.

  10. Donna Antonio
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 12:04 pm · Link

    All of my cats have been rescues. Lucy is our latest. She and her mom were dumped off by a friend’s place in the boonies. Her mom was attacked by a coyote while Lucy climbed a tree. She was just a baby. My friend couldn’t take her in so she came to stay with us. She has stolen our hearts.

  11. cindy
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 12:11 pm · Link

    No longer have any pets. Used to have cats and dogs. I miss them, but is my current situation–having pets is not something I can take on. I miss some of them. Pets tend to adopt people vs people adopting pets. The last one, Bear, a little pom-poodle died after seeing my mom taken away a second time in an ambulance. He was fine in the early morning hours, but gone by the time people woke up. He didn’t shed, so we clipped him. He loved wearing little infant polo shirts for warmth.

  12. BN
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 12:26 pm · Link


  13. Diane Sallans
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 12:37 pm · Link

    none right now, but I hope to get a dog after I relocate. I’d love a Maine Coon Cat, but too many family members have allergies. Isn’t Binx the name of the cat/boy on Hocus Pocus? (I watched again on Sunday night).

  14. Anna Taylor Sweringen
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 12:55 pm · Link

    All our pets were rescues. Our dog Ruby from a shelter and our cats Scully and Lil Cat from our back yard.

  15. Beth
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 12:59 pm · Link

    I’ve never ‘rescued’ any but I have let the feral cats and sometimes even wild birds create homes in my sheds. Helps a lot with the local rodent and insect populations. All the pets I’ve ever had as an adult have been either gotten from neighbors litters or a rehome through a rescue or shelter. Our most recent one is a cat mama and her four kittens were found by the side of the road and my daughter fostered them. The kittens all found new homes but we decided to keep the mama cat(who was really just still a kitten herself at less than a year old).

  16. Robin
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 1:01 pm · Link

    Congratulations! I have 11 cats and all are rescues.

  17. Colleen C.
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 1:03 pm · Link

    Most of our pets are adopted or rescued… I love black cats… have had two… one sadly was attacked by people… stabbed repeatedly and ended up dying… our second one lived to be 19.

  18. Ellen Wulf
    · October 22nd, 2024 at 1:50 pm · Link

    I have one remaining pet, Toby, a very rotund Jack Russell that rescued me from the shelter eight years ago. His sister, Gracie, a Rat Terrier, crossed the Rainbow bridge about two months ago. She rescued me a week before Toby did….he was supposed to be her “company” since their mom stilled worked. Toby is my couch potato and since Gracie left us, I’ve been finding him in interesting hiding places.

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