For my own health, I have to tune out, unplug, and turn away my gaze. I have to find ways to re-center myself. I’ve faced a lot since late summer. I’ve come to terms with my personal battle. I worry about the family I’ll leave behind, but I have to show them how to get through hard times and, more importantly, how to stay happy and together.
So, I put together my little list of things I am going to concentrate on for a while. For a chance to win your choice of a download of one of my stories, what would you add to this list?
I am thinking reading or maybe a quiet walk
Playing with our new puppy and trying to potty train them.
Peace and positive thinking.
You have a good list. As I’ve gotten older—and now retired—I would add some multiple-word phrases. Compromise (I know–single word) Don’t sweat it. Walk away. It’s not worth it.
Animals, reading, art therapy, music, prayer, walking, swimming, cooking, it all depends on the person, and what they like.
My mother would say tea, me, hit chocolate or hot apple Cider.
Time with my pets and reading
Just love on the kiddos and grandkiddos. They will remember that more than anything. Write letters to the kiddos. Having said this, you are going to be great!
I love silence! I would add my dog and reading and cooking.