UPDATE: The winner is…Ani S!
My sister and I have worked on Boys Behaving Badly anthologies for a while now. All are featured on their own website, Delilah’s Collections, where you can read more about each volume. We try to come up with themes that are fun for writers and readers alike. For me, just perusing the luscious covers is a delight.

I usually jump right into the next theme as soon as the last anthology is published, but last year’s anthology, Secret Identities, was followed instead by some health news that kept me from committing to do another.
New year, new outlook. Now, I have to scurry to pick a theme, put out a call to authors, hoping they’ll have time to participate and write you some awesome stories, and time for me to read, select, and edit the stories for publication in the early fall!
So, step one. Let’s think about the theme. You can help me narrow my choices. I’ve devised a poll I’d love you to take.
Below, I have a poll with some ideas listed. I’m not married to any of them, although some already have ideas percolating in my head…
I need themes that authors can take and run with. Themes that are broad enough that authors won’t be writing the same stories—meaning, something that would lend itself to different genres (contemporary, historical, sci-fi, paranormal) and settings (earthly places, outer space). Not only do I need a theme that appeals to readers, but I also have to attract writers to the project. So, help me out as I consider which themes will intrigue both readers and writers.
The Poll

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, comment below. If you have another idea for a theme, list it. If one of the themes in the poll appeals the most, tell me why. Have fun!
How about something like Fake relationships?
It was a toss up for me between burn and real men.
Wounded Warrior for the Boys Behaving Badly
It was hard to choose one from the list, but I’m sure whatever theme is chosen that the stories are going to be great.
For me I picked Burn and Inked. Who doesn’t love a tattooed firefighter who belongs to an MC🥰
My suggestion is Mafia with second choice Wounded Warrior. Not anything out of the realm of “normal” as far as science fiction though. JMHO. Personally I would love you to do an entire Mafia series but I can only imagine just how full your schedule is already.
I like all the ideas so I picked my top 2 choices.
Burn & Inked
It was a toss up between Real Men and Inked.
Maybe do stories about men like Clark Kent. By day they are unassuming guys (like actuaries or librarians) and by night they are something totally unexpected.
Hell on Wheels
Toss up between Real Men and Isolation.
What about Invisibles? Not men with secret identities, but men you see every day, but don’t really see them. The garbage man, the supermarket bag boy or stocker, the shopping cart collector, a dishwasher, the homeless guy, the gas pumper, a truck driver, the mailman, the guy who delivers the early newspaper (yes, they still exist)…
These guys have a story, they excel in their position, but are like sidekicks or the second banana who never gets credit…
I voted for real men – not a fan of bikers or tatoo (or mafia).
How about Flyers – could be a variety of time periods – past, present, future – on earth or in space – military, civilian, commercial, private pilot to wealthy, smoke fighter, air show, alaska
I can write any of those and will be submitting a story, no matter the theme!
I’m currently loving best friend’s father and would love an anthology with this as the trope
I’m thinking it’s between Real Men & Burned. With the Real Men there are quite a few different types of stories that can be written with many different types of men. There can be many occupations included.
Nascar all the way 3!
you could always do one with professional sports players.. it is always nice to see a playboy put in his place by the unexpected love!
Isolation appeals.
Thanks for helping me choose, y’all! It’ll be Burn! And thank you for giving me ideas for the next ones!
The winner of the GC is…Ani S!