Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Report Card & Open Contests
Sunday, January 12th, 2025

Report Card

Last week…

  1. I got my white blood cell count booster shot! Woo-hoo. The rest of the week was a bit of blur since I spent most of it resting or outright sleeping. I’m so glad chemo is over so I can try to get back my strength!
  2. I started work on one author’s edits! Yay, back in the saddle!
  3. I decided on the theme, with readers’ help, for the next Boys Behaving Badly Anthology! It’ll be Burn!
  4.  The family and I watched Carry-On on Netflix. If you love Die Hard like I do, you’ll love this little movie, too!
  5. When I was up and about, I began slowly putting away things in my art studio. Doesn’t that sound pretentious? It’s just the place all my hoarded art supplies live. With Christmas gifts and all the sales, I have tons of supplies to find homes for. 🙂
  6. Oh, one last thing! KDP (Amazon) kindly returned my ability to post pre-orders. They took pity on my excuse for canceling previous pre-orders—cancer! Now, I have to work up the nerve to begin listing a few!

This next week…

  1. I have my PET scan scheduled for Friday. All fingers and toes are crossed that the images bear out what the blood work has been hinting at. If the tumors are small enough now, I hope I’m a candidate for some debulking surgeries.
  2. I have two authors’ edits to work on this week. One to hopefully complete (depends on whether the author gets me the rest of her book!).
  3. I still need to upload Once Upon a Legend to sites other than Amazon since it’s no longer exclusive there. I’m not sure why I’ve been dragging my feet. Oh yeah, fatigue.
  4. This week, I’ll be diving back into finishing up Ignition!

Open Contests

Be sure to check out these posts and enter to win the prizes that are still up for grabs:

  1. Story Cubes — Tell me a story (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Hunkering down in the cold… — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Gabbi Grey: Why Representation Matters (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Word Puzzle — Ideas for Next Boys Behaving Badly Anthology (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Karenna Colcroft: Back to Boston (F*R*E*E Read!) — Everyone, get your FREE read!
  6. Memory Game: The OG — Montana Bounty Hunters (Contest) — Get an Amazon gift card!
  7. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Movie Night! — Get an Amazon gift card!