UPDATE: The winner is…Theresa Privette!
For those who don’t know, the Lunar New Year celebration marks the first new moon of the lunar calendar. It’s a 15-day festival period that happens this year between January 29th and February 4th. This year, millions of Chinese communities are celebrating the start of the Year of the Snake. There are parades, quiet moments of prayer, and lots of food. In fact, I’m going to talk my daughter into picking up Chinese food tonight so we can have a little celebration and introduce the kids to another holiday that I think needs to be added to our rotation. Any excuse to celebrate, right? More like, any excuse to eat good food. I’ll also light some incense and think about the family members we’ve lost in recent years and to wish luck and happiness to all my family and friends.
Most of us know our traditional Horoscope/Zodiac signs, right? Do you know what your Chinese Zodiac symbol is? The Independant has a nice summary for you to figure out what your zodiac symbol is. Follow the link to find out what yours is. I was born in 1958, in the Year of the Dog. Here are some of the qualities a “dog” possesses: “Loyal and friendly, they make the best companions a person can have. Sometimes they can be stubborn but always find their way back to balance.”
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then find out what Chinese Zodiac animal you are. Do the qualities your symbol represents fit you? And are you ready to add the Lunar New Year to your yearly calendar of celebrations?
I am born in the Year of the Tiger.
The description of me is accurate.
I’m a Dragon. Not sure I’m a leader.
Goat and yes, it does seem accurate. Interesting topic today. Thank you for sharing.
This is my year! I was born in June of 65. I’ll be 60 on June 9th and I’m a Snake.
I am from the Year of the Rabbit. I am definitely not graceful or stylish! lol
I’m the Goat (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
Not a fan of the limelight, the goat likes to blend into the background, preferring simplicity and elegance. They avoid confrontation and love being nurtured.
I think that’s very accurate for me, but not for my sister-in-law that was born the same year – maybe that’s were the astrology month of birth comes in to play.
Rooster—- we were good to go until the description mentioned selfish- all my life I put everyone else before me but then it hit me – I stopped reading when I got married 25 years ago but when my last baby turned 18 last year I found ebooks KU and I have been obsessively reading since. The self reflection of being selfish is when I am reading don’t mess with me. I am involved and totally disconnected for my surroundings, I have earplugs in for goodness sakes so I don’t get distracted but the darn tv that’s to load or the dogs backing at a squirrel that dared to be on their porch. I want to read uninterrupted from start to finish. This is why I didn’t read when the 3 boys were young – prior to that it was cause my husband turned out not to be like the MC in my books and it depressed the hell out of me – I waited and prayed for him for 30 years you would think he could at least make me feel like I was all that oops, once again I went off on tangent and share too much. Okay that’s all for this episode folks never thought I see the day when I would figure out I am selfish….SMH sorry so NOT sorry this is me time and since I don’t watch tv unless my youngest wants me to watch something with him I deserve to read again!
I was born in the year of the horse. I am outgoing, enthusiastic, honest, sentimental, and responsible. Not sure I would say I am energetic.
I was born in the year of the dog also. The qualities listed do seem accurate.
I was born in the year of the Goat. It is on the money.
I am not like my character at all. Interesting though.
I was born in the year of the horse. I am some of them
I was born in the year of the rabbit. I am some of the traits listed.
1970 The year of the dog just like you. O agree with what you wrote. I’m stubborn Dutch as my mother says. Also loyal and friendly once I made a friend.
I am a dragon… some things do not fit me…
Mine is year of the snake. I really dislike snakes. And, most of the qualities listed are not me…except for passionate…that I am. But wiley??? No, that’s not me.
Ox here and yes they fit. Currently at a dragon dance to celebrate the Year of the Snake here in Wisconsin, Hoping to get a generous red envelope.
I’ve been celebrating since I was a child, LOL–while I’m not sure how accurate the astrology is, it’s fun, and I enjoy this part of connecting with my heritage. Happy Lunar New Year!