Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Tell me a story… (Contest)
Friday, January 31st, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy!

It’s Friday! My, how this week has flown. I’ve gotten very little work done. I’ve spent way too much time watching the horrible news about the crash and all the cabinet hearings in Washington, D.C. I wish I could unplug, but I’m a newshound. Always have been. I was a history major in college simply because I loved knowing how things came to be. I lived in foreign countries and visited their historical sites and their museums. I met with and befriended ordinary people and often, over a beer, would talk about politics and learn more about their lives. Although my travel days are mostly over now, I continue to learn to this day. *sigh*

Well, let’s have some fun on this Friday. I love contests. I love hearing what you come up with when I give you a challenge. Here we go…

It’s such a pretty picture, isn’t it? Well, look at it and try to think of a story you might tell about what is happening in this picture. Your story doesn’t have to be long—or any good. Just have fun with it! Describe it in the comments for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! 

10 comments to “Tell me a story… (Contest)”

  1. Beverly
    · January 31st, 2025 at 10:32 am · Link

    Jasmine wanted to cool off so she walked into the clear waters of the lagoon and dove under. The tropical fish living there scattered away from this intruder. Coming up out of the water, she smoothed her hair back, turned around and was surprised to see a most gorgeous man on the shore watching her. She wasn’t nervous seeing him but wanted him to join her. He read the look of invitation on her face, dropped his shorts and dove in.

  2. Colleen C.
    · January 31st, 2025 at 4:30 pm · Link

    He came across a beauty in the pond not knowing she is not what she seems.

  3. cindy
    · January 31st, 2025 at 8:26 pm · Link

    Megan peered into the lagoon. She wanted to see her reflection, but the sun reflecting off the water blinded her. When a cloud moved in front of the sun, her reflection peered up at her. She smiled and moved her head. Her reflection duplicated the moves. Megan poked her finger in the water to make it ripple, but her reflection touched her finger.
    Megan screamed, backed away, and ran away from the lagoon.
    “Dad!” she wailed.
    Hearing his daughter cry out, Travis ran to meet her. Kneeling, he asked, “Megan! What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
    “No. My… my reflection touched me.”
    He stood and squinted at the lagoon at the bottom of the hill. Jessica? He ran down the hill, calling out, “Jessica? Jessica?”
    Slowly, a woman rose up in the water.
    “Hello, Travis.”
    He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his shirt and jumped in. Swimming to the woman, he embraced her.
    “Dad?” Megan stood on the shore watching the couple. “Who is that? Why was she hiding in the water?”
    “Megan, This is Jessica. She’s your… your mother.
    “Hello, Megan.”
    “Why are you hiding in the water? Come out of the lagoon.”
    A sad look spread over her face. “I can’t sweetie. I’m a mermaid.”

  4. Mary Preston
    · January 31st, 2025 at 8:26 pm · Link

    The magic within the pond did indeed transform me into a nymph.

  5. BN
    · January 31st, 2025 at 10:23 pm · Link

    Ariel’s long-lost sister is looking for her prince

  6. Mary McCoy
    · February 1st, 2025 at 1:56 pm · Link

    Angelina really submerging herself in the life action role of Ariel.

  7. Sara D
    · February 1st, 2025 at 5:51 pm · Link

    She looked at him, smiled seductively and said ‘I’ve been waiting for you’. He looked at her and replied ‘Not long enough’ and turned to walk away. She tried to go after him thinking he was playing with her, but was surprised when he did not stop or return as she called to him.

  8. Debra
    · February 2nd, 2025 at 7:28 am · Link

    Hey. come on in and join me. You will not regret it.

  9. flchen
    · February 2nd, 2025 at 10:25 pm · Link

    Well done, @cindy!

    This was not what Hamilton had had in mind when he’d called the pool cleaning service. While the woman in his backyard was clearly beautiful, the pool looked no cleaner than when he’d left the house that morning. In fact, it definitely looked…more populated. There definitely hadn’t been fish in the pool when he’d glanced out the kitchen window hours ago. And he could have sworn the area had been free of greenery also, as the gardener had been by just yesterday. Would they charge extra if he requested they stop by again tomorrow? He made a mental note to text later. In the meantime, this was definitely not what he’d anticipated when his ever efficient assistant Henri had relayed the message from his neighbor suggesting that he had allowed a pool party to get out of hand and if he wasn’t going to take care of it, she was calling the police. He massaged his nape where he could already feel the beginnings of a tension knot tightening…

  10. kerry pruett
    · February 9th, 2025 at 4:10 pm · Link

    As I was gazing into the pool of water, a beautiful blue-eyed nymph appeared. She was so beautiful I was mesmerized. She took hold of my hand and as I descended under the water with her, I wondered if she was the last woman I would ever see. I decided that if it was, I would die a happy man.

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