Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for February 6th, 2025

Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway
Thursday, February 6th, 2025

I’ve had several guests this week on this blog, so I’m happy to have a day to pop in and say hi again. I’m trudging along, editing, thinking about writing, and trying not to watch the news (impossible!). I have an appointment with my cardiologist today. Boy does he have a lot to catch up on with me—I haven’t seen him since early last year. I know at the end he’ll give me marching orders—lose weight, walk more, blah-blah.

Anyway, it’ll be a busy day. Gotta get started!

As a way to solve my book-hoarding problem and make room in my bookshelves, I’m continuing my Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway! I have a ton of my books, collected over my 20 years of publishing. So, rather than consign them to the burn barrel I thought maybe a bunch of giveaways would be fun. As the first giveaways last summer seemed to garner a lot of interest, I’m happy to offer more opportunities for readers to win a signed copy of one of my old books! I bet if I ask pretty-please, my daughter will be on board with making a trip to the post office for me. She loves it when I volunteer her for stuff. 🙂

For a chance to win a randomly chosen by me (I might say, do you want a western, an erotic novel, or a paranormal?) book, which I will of course sign and fill with a bookmark painted by me, tell me how the new year is treating you so far!